It’s that time of the year again. The air gets a crisp new feeling, the malls put out their holiday decorations on full display, and soon you will be surrounded by family you have come to miss over the school year. Of course, nothing says the season has arrived better than the unmistakable scent of holiday food and familiar voices filling the air. And we all know what that means: holiday weight, stress, and illness. So, in order to help us get through the holidays with a healthier and more rested body and mind, here are some tips:
- Take time to get some exercise at least 2 to 3 times a week. Just because the holiday season is upon us doesn’t mean we should take a break from taking care of our bodies (and no, running towards the Black Friday sales does not count as exercise).
- Avoid catching the flu! Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before eating or after any contact with germs. At least 20 seconds is needed to get rid of the germs according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
- Find a healthy dish you can bring to your holiday get-together for a more varied menu. Your body will thank you once you see the rest of your family and friends searching for the nearest couch or bed after that heavy meal.
- Speaking of food, reaching for that piece of apple pie shouldn’t make you feel guilty. But if you find yourself going for thirds, catch yourself and find something else to satisfy your cravings, like fruits or a hot cup of tea.
- Finding the perfect present for that special someone may be hard, but don’t let the stress get to you! Do some yoga or meditation to release any tension or stress.
Finally, don’t forget to take some time off for yourself. If you discover that your holidays are a lot more work and a lot less rest than you thought they were going to be, step back and relax. This season is a great time to catch up with your loved ones, but don’t forget that it is also a time to rest and rejuvenate before the new year. Happy Holidays!
Feature Image Source: Affinity