For this interview, we met Sarah Gamble, who serves as a health educator in the Health Promotion Office at the UC Berkeley University Health Services (Tang Center). She manages a project funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) known as Berkeley Builds Capacity and lectures for the course Public Health 14.
Where do you work?
“I work with prevention outreach for the Tang Center. I work with the LGBTQ community here. In addition, I work with transgender health here and help them navigate the health system here. I also have an HIV substance abuse grant in order to help with testing and improving services at the Tang Center.”
What attracted you to be working with the LGBTQ community?
“I have always loved this community and am passionate about helping to give them better health.”
What is the most exciting part about your field?
“I would say that it would be preventing diseases and other such things from happening. I also like to work with young people and help them have good experiences. I also believe that most students don’t have sex and drink, but stress is off the charts.”
What is some advice you can give to college students?
“Definitely go for something you think is interesting! If you do things that interest you, then you will find your job.”
What is something quirky about yourself?
“I have been biking to work recently, and my helmet has little stars on it.”
Article by Marilyn Cabrera
Feature Image Source: Bladen County