CS Pick Up Lines... 1. Baby if you were a StreamTokenizer, then you will be ttype == TT_HOT. 2. If you were a while loop, I will run you infinity. 3. String me = new String(); String you = new String(); while (true){ me.concat(you); } 4. Baby, you were definitly worth the "!" 5. Baby, you turn my software into hardware. CS Mama Jokes ... 1. yo mama so slutty she gets break points between her legs. 2. yo mama so easy she gives up in theta(1) time. 3. yo mama such a nerdy slut she use GUI as lubrication. 4. yo mama so fat that when I try to push() her onto a stack, it throws a StackOverFlowException. 5. yo mama so nasty that she caused Hilfinger's debugger to crash. 6. (lady) yoMama ERROR:inconveratible type. 7. yo mama so dumb that adding to her brain throws an NULL POINTER EXCEPTION 8. yo mama so ugly i dont even want to peek() on her stack. 9. yo mama's nickname is computer and she's everyone's laptop. 10. yo mama so ugly she makes gmake clean goes into an infinit loop. 11. yo mama is so fat, they had to invent a new order of growth called Big Mama.