Analyzing Burglaries in residencies in Denver
I got access to this API from the ArcGIS Open Data wesbite. This API contains data that includes criminal offenses in the City and County of Denver for the previous five calendar years plus the current year to date. The data is based on the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) which includes all victims of person crimes and all crimes within an incident. I wanted to get an idea of the types of burglaries occuring in different parts of Denver and hence decided to come up with two visualizations.
My first visualization depicts the burglaries that occur in residencies. A heat map allowed me to get an idea of areas where burglaries are concentrated. For examples, the west part of Denver had a higher number of burglaries than the east side. I decided to animate the map to show the change in concentration over the time period. You can notice that some neighborhoods became safer with time, while some others got even worse.
Analyzing Burglaries in businesses in Denver
In the second visualization, I opted to go for a static heat map to display the burglaries that occurred in local businesses. This heat map showed that most the burglaries in businesses were concentrated in the center of Denver.