Python Mapping


Visualizing businesses and crime incidents in San Francisco


In the above map, I used the San Francisco street map as a base map and decided to plot all the businesses that have launched in the city over the last one year. I observed that there was a high concentration of different types of businesses in east San Francisco. The districts with the highest concentration of businesses were around Mission District, Financial District, and Soma. Whereas businesses were spread across San Francisco, I was easily able to tell that the concentration of businesses was higher this east side of the city. To get a clearer picture, the heat map below visually reinforces the skewed distribution of companies launched in the city.


Lastly, I wanted to analyze the crime incidents that have taken place within the same time period. I decided to use the SF open data portal to fetch the data. The graph below plots the various assault incidents that occurred in San Francisco.


I noticed that the crime incidents were also mostly concentrated in the east of San Francisco. An explanation to this could be that these areas are densely populated than other regions. However, it may also be possible that the exponential rise in the economy could lead to economic stress that causes an increase in criminal behavior.