Our Open Práctica series offers drop-in lessons for beginner and intermediate dancers. The series is open to everyone and requires no dance partner to join. Each week our student instructors will prepare a 1 hour lesson for the community and then open the floor to social dancing for another hour.
This semester the Open Práctica series meets on Thursdays from 7-9 pm in Hearst Gym Room 251. The first hour of Open Práctica consists of a dance lesson from 7-8 pm followed by an hour of social dancing from 8-9 pm. There is a beginner lesson for those who are new to dancing and a progressive lesson that builds on to intermediate level.
Our instructors are really passionate about teaching you how to dance, and we will take time to work with you individually during the sessions. We try to have multiple instructors each session, so that we can give suggestions on how to improve the fine details on what we are teaching.
The instructors for the open práctica series are Sylvia & Danny for Fall 2017.
We are a student group acting independently of the University of California. We take full responsibility for our organization and this web site.