
We will teach you not just how to dance Salsa, but its historical significance and the culture from which it came. Please join us for an exciting semester! Already taken our class once? Apply for our intermediate section this Fall!

Classes will consist of lectures regarding Salsa history, culture, etiquette, etc, some readings, and of course, how to dance Salsa. Assignments entail some written responses and a final project.

The actual syllabus for the DeCal can be found here. Each semester, the DeCal students create a performance that is showcased to the entire class. The videos below show past performances from our intermediate class, which is where you could be after two semester (or less)!

The DeCal instructors for the Fall 2017 semester are:

  • Isabella & Christian for beginner
  • Miguel & Leslie for intermediate



We are a student group acting independently of the University of California. We take full responsibility for our organization and this web site.