In this post I will prove a special case of Krull’s intersection theorem, which can be proved without invoking the Artin-Rees lemma. This result is useful in the study of discrete valuation rings. The following proof is from Serre’s Local Fields.
Proposition: Let
be a noetherian local domain where
Proof: Suppose . Then
for all
. So for all
. Since
is a domain,
Therefore consider the ascending chain . This eventually stabilizes for high enough
is noetherian, so for some
. Thus
, so
. But
is a unit, so
, so
This theorem holds more generally even if is not assumed to be a domain, but the proof is more complicated (but still among the same lines).
Proposition: Let
be a noetherian local ring where
is not nilpotent. Then
Proof: Let be the ideal of elements that kill some power of
. We will use variables
to refer to elements of
. Since
is noetherian,
must be finitely generated, so all elements of
for some fixed
Now suppose .
, so
. Thus
Consider the ascending chain . Since
is noetherian it must eventually stablize, so for some
can be written as
. But recall that
. So
is a unit since
, and
is local, so
. If we force
to be large enough to surpass
, then
, so