Q: Why are you using a Berkeley domain rather than a Northwestern one?
I am retaining my Berkeley domain because it supports simple static HTML/CSS sites and has PHP for my anonymous comment boxes. Northwestern's hosting is based on Wordpress, which is more convenient to use in general but does not have the functionality I prefer.
Q: Why don't you like Calibri or Verdana?
I don't really know---I just stopped liking them at some point. Curiously I used to not like Times New Roman, but now I think it's fine. I've always liked Arial and Helvetica. I like Computer Modern, the standard \(\LaTeX\) font.
Q: Why do you like watching people solve integrals?
It's preferable to solving integrals myself, because integrals are hard to solve. More precisely, I like watching people fail to solve integrals, because watching people struggle is fun...
Q: Your notes suck!
Ouch. Also, that isn't a question. My notes, especially the earlier ones, won't be very good because my primary purpose for writing them was for myself. I think my best one, which I'm still working on, is the one on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Some of them aren't very good because I didn't edit them, and others because I lost interest in the topic. Some don't look very good because I was still a \(\LaTeX\) novice when I wrote them. Sorry. I'd be happy to consider any suggestions if you have any.
Q: Why isn't [this book I like] in your list of textbooks?
Probably because I haven't read it. Please let me know if you have a good book to recommend to me! I'd love your suggestions.