CVSup can be used for both updating the sources of the base FreeBSD system, or the ports tree. In this page we'll go through updating the ports tree with CVSup; look at any of the upgrading pages in miscellaneous for using CVSup to update your system. In general we use ports whenever possible, but for now we'll use packages to install CVSup (because you may be using CVSup to update your ports tree).
pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui
Trust us when we say the version without a gui is preferable. We need to rehash so our system sees that we have CVSup installed now (this is only when using sh). To configure CVSup, we must create a file named "ports-supfile" in our "/root" directory.
vi /root/ports-supfile
We've just created an empty file. Obviously, we need to put something in it if we plan on it doing anything.
*default base=/usr
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=.
*default delete use-rel-suffix
That's all you need. For your default host, you should be able to use "" through about "". We chose cvsup4 because it seemed to connect decently well. Now for the moment of truth.
cvsup /root/ports-supfile
If all goes well, you should see a bunch of messages and scrolling text (it might take a few seconds to connect at first). Sit back, relax, go take a break for awhile, and come back to find your Ports tree up to date.