Ready to submit your work for consideration?
- Submission window is now CLOSED for BSE Research Day 2025.
- Deadline to submit proposals: Monday, February 24, 2025 by 11:59pm.
- If you are submitting a paper please click here.
- If you are submitting a poster please click here.
- Please feel free to submit both, but please make sure you click the correct link for each submission.
Submission Types:
Paper presentation: (15 -20 minutes) Paper sessions provide authors an opportunity to present an abbreviated version of their work and field questions about it. The ‘paper’ presented may be a finished product or a work in progress.
A. Early stage research design
B. Work in-progress
C. Completed
Poster presentation: (~1 hour) The poster session combines graphic display of materials with the opportunity for individualized, informal discussion of the presenter’s research. This is a GREAT way to get your feet wet, and get some feedback on your ideas. Very casual and informal.
Beyond Compliance Coordinating Committee Guidelines from Syracuse University offers a list of considerations that can assist with developing more accessible presentations.