For each round, two packets were combined to make a 40-question round. Thus, "Round 1" is packets 1+2, "Round 2" is packets 3+4, and "Round 3" is packets 5+6.
Seeding Round 1
Room 1
Brian: out after 33 (0/12/0 = 120), stays
Kevin: 2/9/1 = 115 after 40, stays
Alice: 0/7/3 = 55 after 40, moves down
Greg: 0/1/0 = 10 after 40, moves down
Room 2
Andrew: out after 15 (3/8/1 = 120), moves up
Juliana: out after 27 (1/11/0 = 125), moves up
Brett: 1/0/0 = 15 after 28, stays
Paul: 2/2/0 = 10 after 28, stays
Jason: 0/0/0 = 0 after 28, stays
Since positions were determined after 28, everyone played on the
last 12 questions. Andrew was 5/7/0 on these.
Room 1
Andrew: out after 15 (4/7/2 = 120), stays
Juliana: out after 34 (1/10/3 = 100), stays
Brian: 0/5/0 = 50 after 34, moves down
Kevin: 0/4/0 = 40 after 34, moves down
Everyone played on the last 6 questions. Andrew: 2/1/0, Kevin: 0/1/0.
Room 2
Paul: out after 24 (0/13/1 = 125), moves up
Alice: 0/8/2 = 70 after 40, moves up
Greg: 1/2/1 = 30 after 40, stays
Brett: 0/3/3 = 15 after 40, stays
Jason: 0/2/2 = 10 after 40, stays
Room 1
Andrew: 14/10/3 = 295, 1st place
Juliana: 3/2/0 = 65, 2nd place
Alice: 2/2/0 = 50, 3rd place
Paul: 0/4/1 = 35, 4th place
Room 2
Kevin: 1/12/3 = 120
Brian: 0/11/0 = 110
Brett: 1/6/0 = 75
Jason: 0/3/0 = 30