Volume I Issue I Fall 1987

Welcome to the first issue of what I hope will be many of Buzzer. This is designed to keep everyone current on what is happening with regards to tournaments, and to obtain and maintain a mailing list of all of the teams around the nation.

This Fall I am aware of two scheduled tournaments:

for undergraduates only 
OCTOBER 30, 31 contact: 
Dr. Gordon Carper 
Department of Social Science 
Berry College 
Mount Berry, Georgia 30149 

contact: Debbie Greenberg
Room 0221 Stamp Union
U. of Maryland
College Park MD 20742


both schools have been sent your address.

This past summer there was a no-holds-barred competition between the Gods and the Titans of legendary proportions at the Tennessee Free for All. Schools represented include Wisconsin, LSU, OSU, FSU, Maryland, Tennessee-Chattanooga, Tennessee, Georgia Tech, Emory, NC State, Vanderbilt, and Armstrong State. Many veterans and retired players competed in their last hurrah. While some may argue that the questions of the Championship round hit below the belt (which is an inside joke), it was well fought down to the twentieth question. "The MAD Professors" consisted of Georgia Tech's coach Doc (Big Bad Bob) Meredith, former Tech Captain Chris Moody, the former Tech great- now of NC State- Chuck Wessell, and Don Windham currently of Tennessee Wesleyan, who has visited Georgia Tech. "The Bonus Army" included Mike Dekker- a judge (and writer?) at Nationals, Tom Waters, Mike Hart, and someone from the 1966 season, a history professor named Byron- all from Armstrong State. On the twentieth question, with "The Bonus Army" leading, Tom interrupted, enabling "The Mad Professors" to snatch the victory. Carol Guthrie ran a smooth tournament, and there was, amazingly enough, no reader error.

If anyone out there in post office land knows dates and locations of future tournaments, please contact me for publication and your own personalized mailing list.

Also, if you have the addresses of other teams- particularly outside the southeast, there is a need for that information. How can you beat your cross-town rival if they are not invited to tournaments?

My address is:
David Levinson
PO Box 30158
Atlanta, GA 30332

Donations are appreciated, a Buzzer will be named in your honor.