Table of Contents

Rasmus Pallisgaard

Hi everyone, I'm Rasmus and I'm an exchange student all the way from Denmark. Back home I study Machine Learning and have done research in the field of NLP, specifically studying multilingual models. I'm at Berkeley for a semester to study mathematics for a semester in order to get more familiar with the rigorous nature of maths (ML research is basically result driven with little theory to back it up - godspeed!). If you want to hear about whether AI will kill us all one day (It might, but then again so will global warming. edit: or Russia. Слава Україні!)


I'm gonna publish my notes on the lectures this weekend after I finish this weeks homework.


Homework 1

Homework 2

Homework 3

Homework 4

Resume of the Lebesque Integral We begin by covering the Riemann integral in short. Riemann integration, like all others, seek to measure the area under a graph. It does this using approximation by partitioning the area into rectangles. In this function the Riemann sum corresponds to $$ \sum_{i=1}^nf(t_i)(x_i-x_{i-1}) $$ Letting $\Delta_{x_i}=x_i-x_{i-1}$ be the same value for all $i$, and letting $x_{i-1}\leq t_i\leq x_i\forall i$. If $a<x_i<b\forall i$, then we can define the Riemann integral as $$ \int_a^b f(x) dx = \lim_{n\to\infty}\sum_{i=1}^nf(t_i)(x_i-x_{i-1} $$ If the limit of this sum exists and is unique, then the function $f$ is Riemann integrable.

The Lebesque integral is based on the measurability of a functions undergraph. This undergraph is defined by $$ Uf=\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}\times[0,\infty):p\leq y<f(x)\} $$ We say that the function $f$ is Lebesque measurable if the undergraph $Uf$ is measurable. If $f$ is Lebesque measurable, then we let $$ \int f=m(Uf) $$ Note that $dx$ is missing. Because the Lebesque integral does not handle a limit of a sum of rectangles with width of $\Delta x_i$, we omit the $dx$.

Finally, a function is Lebesque integrable if the measure $m(Uf)$ is finite. Since the Lebesgue measure of $Uf$ can be infinity, we do by definition allow the Lebesque integral of $f$ to be infinite.

Homework 5

Homework 6 (There is a mistake in problem 1, b. I'll fix it and update the file.)

Resume of Lebesque measure theory

*This is gonna be a rough summarisation of all we've covered in Lebesque measure theory so far. It will probably not contain everything of importance and might have some gaps that I didn't think to cover. If you find gaps like these, please do write to me on Discord so I can review these. Thanks!*

Our venture into Lebesque measure theory begins with the definition of the outer measure - a measure of a subset $A$ found by $$ m^*(A)=\inf\left\{ \sum_k|B_k|:\{B_k\} \text{ is a covering of } A \text{ by open boxes} \right\} $$ Useful from this definition and this section is the definition that sets with outer measure zero is called a zero set. Boxes are created from intervals $(a_i,b_i)$ since the measure of an interval is its end point minus its starting point. The proofs of useful properties, such as monotonicity, sub-additivity, etc. are most often proved using the $\epsilon$ trick.

A set $A\subset R$ is then measurable if it the division $A|A^c$ is so *clean* that for all subsets $X\subset R$, $$ m^*(A)=m^*(X\cap A) + m^*(A\cap E^c) $$ Although I personally like the Tao condition better: $$ m^*(A)=m^*(X\cap A) + m^*(A\setminus E) $$ Here we see that by this definition, additivity is achieved. Throughout the course we have proved a lot of properties of measurable sets, including sub-additivities of outer measures, monotonicity, etc. As mentioned before, for this we often use the $\epsilon$ trick - a trick that is also used to prove measurability of a closed interval, a zero set, and a closed box in n dimensions.

We then went on to proof that the Lebesque measure is regular in the sense that a measurable set $E$ can be sandwiched between an $F_\sigma$-set and a $G_\delta$-set such that $F_\sigma\subset E\subset G_\delta$. Here an $F_\sigma$-set is a countable union of closed sets $F_\sigma=\cup^\infty_iF_i$ and a $G_\delta$-set is a countable intersection of open sets $G_\delta=\cup^\infty_iG_i$.

The proof of this uses the fact that can define a decreasing sequence of open sets from $\mathbb{R}$ such that the measure of these set sequences goes to the measure of $E$. You can then define a closed increasing sequence from the complement of one of these sequences. The major step here is then to show that this complement set has the same measure as $E$.

We then covered the theorems of products and slices. The theorem of measurable products says that if sets $A$ and $B$ are measurable, then $m(A\times B)=m(A)\cdot m(B)$. The proof of this uses hulls and kernels of measurable sets (These are $F_\sigma$-sets and $G_\delta$-sets).

Afterwards we proved that if $E$ is measurable then it has measure zero iff almost every slice of $E$ has measure zero. A slice $E_x$ of a set $E\subset R^n\times R^k$ is defined as $E_x=\{y\in R^n:(x,y)\in E\}$.

The prove of the above theorem is bit more involved, but essentially boils down to first finding that the set $E$ has the same measure as the set $E$ with all nonzero slices removed. Afterwards one seeks to prove that since all these slices has measure zero, then measure of $E$ is zero. We then, for a slice of any compact $K\subset E$, surround it by a a long but thin compact box $W(x)$. Since these boxes are thin, but not zero width, we can cover the set by a countable amount of these boxes. By disjointizing the widths we can find that the boxes have measure zero, so measure of $K$ is zero. Then inner measure is zero (see definition of inner measure with respect to closed subsets) is zero, and by measurability measure of $E$ is zero.

Proving the other direction, if $E$ has measure zero, then there exists a $G_\delta$-set $G\supset E$, The main step is to set up $X(\alpha)=\{x:m(G_x)>\alpha\}$ for each slice $G_x$. One can then finalise the proof using the same disjointizing method on a compact set $K(x)$ contained in $G_x$ with $m(K(x))=m(G_x)$ and a neighbourhood $W(x)$.

Homework 5

Homework 6

Homework 7

Homework 8

Homework 9

Homework 10

Homework 11

Homework 12

Final Essay

Here is my final essay on lebesque integration and measure theory, and why its needed and relevant in the context of integration.

Why Do We Need Measure Theory?