====== Jad Damaj ====== About Me: I'm a first year math major from Nevada. I enjoy playing guitar and running. {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:104_notes.pdf | Course Notes}} ===== Course Journal ===== ==== Jan 18 ==== * Overview of Course * Discussed natural numbers, integers, and rationals * Problem with rationals: has holes which prevent us from getting sharp bounds on subsets * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw1.pdf | Exercises}} ==== Jan 20 ==== * Rational Zeros Theorem * Construction of $\R$ from $\Q$: Dedekind Cuts vs. Cauchy Sequences * Completeness Axiom + Archimedean Property for $\R$ * Definition of limits/convergence for sequences ==== Jan 25 ==== * Showed Convergence Sequences are bounded. * Defined operations on convergent sequences. * Showed some useful limits. ==== Jan 27 ==== * Monotone Sequences * Recursive Definition of Sequences * lim inf and lim sup of a Sequence ==== Feb 1 ==== * Cauchy sequences * Cauchy sequences always converge in $\R$ * Subseqeunces * Cantor's Diagonal trick to produce a convergent subsequence ==== Feb 3 ==== * All sequences have a monotone subsequence * All bounded sequences have a convergent (monotone) subsequence * If $S$ is the set of subsequential limits of $s_n$, then sup$S$ = limsup$s_n$ and inf$S$ = liminf$s_n$ ==== Feb 8 ==== * limsup(a_nb_n) = lim(a_n)limsup(b_n) for convergent series $a_n$ with limit greater than 0 * Introduced Series * "Sanity Check" and Comparison Test * Root and Ratio Tests ==== Feb 10 ==== * Series * Summation by Parts * Power Series ==== 5 Questions ==== * What is a good way to approach coming up with inequalities to use in proof, as in the Rudin exercises this week. * What are some good counterintuitive counterexamples to keep in mind when working on problems. * What specific properties of absolute convergence should we be familiar with for the exam, eg. rearrangements etc. * What properties does multiplication in limsup(a_nb_n) have in general. * Is there a good way to get intuition for accumulation of infinite series, eg. the case of sum(1\n) ==== February 22 ==== * Definition of Metric Space + examples * Topology * Open Sets ==== February 24 ==== * More Metric Space examples * Sequences + Cauchy Criterion * Closure/ Closed Sets ==== March 1 ==== * Continuous Maps (open cover def and sequential def) * Inherited Topology ==== March 3 ==== * Open cover compactness * Sequential compactness ==== March 8 ==== * Sequential Compactness $\to$ Open Cover Compactness ==== March 10 ==== * Connectedness ==== March 15 ==== * Continuous maps preserve compactness and connectedness * Uniform Continuity * Discontinuity ==== March 17 ==== * Sequences and Series of Functions * Uniform Convergence ==== March 29 ==== * Differentiation * Rolle's Theorem ==== March 31 ==== * Generalized Mean Value Theorem * L'Hopital's rule ==== April 7 ==== * Higher Derivatives * Taylor's Theorem ==== April 12 ==== * Taylor Series * Power Series * Reimann Integral ==== April 14 ==== * Integration * Reimann - Stieltjes Integral ==== April 19 ==== * Reimann - Stieltjes Integral ==== April 21 ==== * Properties of Integrals ==== April 26 ==== * Uniform Convergence with Integration * Uniform Convergence with Differentiation ===== Homework ===== * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw1v2.pdf | Hw 1}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw2.pdf |Hw 2}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw3.pdf |Hw 3}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw4.pdf |Hw 4}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw5.pdf |Hw 5}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw6.pdf |Hw 6}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw7.pdf |Hw 7}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw8.pdf |Hw 8}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw9.pdf |Hw 9}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw10.pdf |Hw 10}} * {{ :math104-s22:s:jdamaj:math_104_hw11.pdf |Hw 11}}