Welcome to the web page of Patrick Davidson. The main purpose of this page is to make available various programs I have made over the last few years
for TI graphics calculators, so it mainly provides these files without too many unnecessary and slow-to-load images. This page does make use of tables
are used for many download lists since they help to organize information, but I also have individual pages for many of my products. Many sections of
this web page now use frames, but there are still non-frame versions available.
This previous address at pad.calc.org is gone -
http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~pad/ is now the only
The pad@calc.org e-mail address also no longer works - use
pad@ocf.berkeley.edu or eeulplek@hotmail.com instead.
Latest updates
- Feburary 22, 2021: Updated the classic Phoenix to version 4.4 for the TI-82 through TI-86. The key change in this version is to fix a display problem that impacted newer TI-84 Plus
calculators. This version also fixes a small graphics error with one of the rotating enemies.
- June 13, 2019: Updated the preview version of Cellar 3D for the TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE to version 711. This is the first raycaster-based 3D game seen on these calculators. This version still has only one minimal level, but now adds a title screen and the ability to jump.
- May 25, 2019: Updatedthe long-dormant Monster, a grayscale breakout-style game, to version 1.3, adding support for the original TI-92. The TI-89 and TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 versions
of the game have not change much but now require slightly less memory than the previous version.
- December 25, 2018: Updated Calcuzap to version 1066 for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and
TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE.
This is a high-performance shoot-em-up game in color featuring power-ups and a high score table. This version adds a mega-hard mode
just in case you thought the previous hard mode was not hard enough. In mega-hard mode you will only receive half as many power-ups
as before and will also face mystery levels with powerful enemies near the beginning of the game when you aren't yet prepared for
them. You will however get a higher score in this mode.
- April 12, 2017: Updated CMonster to version 1202 for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition and
TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE.
This is a breakout-like game with user-selected speed, 6 brick types, 16 brick colors, 5 types of power-ups including the infamous multi-ball, a high-score table, and external level support.
This is one of the first assembly games ever released for these calculators. This version adds a difficulty level selection and (on the TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE version only) also shows a win/lose message with rotating/zooming graphics at the end of the game.
- May 5, 2013: Updated the Javascript
TI-92 Plus emulator to beta version 11. This version improves program compatbility -- in particular, Krypton and TI-Chess work better now.
Total size of the emulator (including built-in ROM and programs) is about one megabyte. As before, I recommend
running the emulator in Chrome or Firefox for best performance.
- September 1, 2012: Updated Mercury to version 1.4 for the TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92, TI-92 Plus,
and Voayge 200. This version includes several optimization to save space as well as updating contact
addresses and improving a flickering problem on the VTI emulator.
TI Calculator Stuff
My calculator games
Here are the TI calculator games I have programmed over the past few years. All of these programs
are written in assembly language or C to take full advantage of the calculator's capabilities, so they
have far better performance than is possible in the built-in basic language. Unfortunately,
since these programs are stored as machince code, it is not practical to type them in by hand, so
you must send them from your computer by a Graph-Link, or transfer them from another calculator
that already has them.
All of these programs may be freely redistributed, either in original or modified form, without
any restrictions. A few of the older programs may still have older license terms given which specify
more restrictions, but you now have permission to ignore and/or remove them.
Note that this only applies to the calculator programs on
this site, and not to any programs elsewhere that may mention me as one of the authors.
- TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE (No frames)
I have recently started programming for the TI-84 Plus CE, with games in color. These are among the first assembly language games released for the TI-84 Plus CE, and are also compatible with the TI-83 Premium CE. Currently I have released a breakout-style game and a shoot-em-up game, along with a preview of a raycaster-style 3D ames. These games do require any shell to be installed. Please note that if you are using the regular TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, these games will not work -- instead you can use games for the TI-83 Plus.
- TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (No frames)
I have recently started programming for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, with games in color. These are among the first assembly language games released for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Currently I have released a breakout-style game and a shoot-em-up game. These games do require any shell to be installed. Please note that if you are using the regular TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, these games will not work -- instead you can use games for the TI-83 Plus.
- TI-89 (No frames)
The home of Phoenix,
the most
infamous high-performance shoot-em-up game for any calculator, and now
also includes Platinum Edition which features grayscale and
scrolling backgrounds in addition to other enhancements to the original
Phoenix, as well as This section also includes Monster, a grayscale
breakout-like game with scrolling and bonuses, as well as Mercury, another
high-performance grayscale shoot-em-up, as well as Smiley's Adventure, a
platform game. All of these programs work on the regular TI-89 as well as
the TI-89 Titanium.
- TI-86 (No frames)
Most of my calculator games have TI-86 versions, all of which require no additional shells. The TI-86
games I currently have available are Galaxian, ZMercury and Phoenix (shoot-em-up games), TesBwan (a breakout-like
game featuring grayscale and scrolling), Pac-Man 99, and Z-Kart 3D
(a very simple racing game). Also available is an early version of Phoenix III, the sequel to Phoenix,
which features grayscale and a scrolling background.
- TI-92 Plus / Voyage 200 (No frames)
The home of Phoenix, the most infamous high-performance shoot-em-up game
for any calculator, and now also Phoenix: Platinum Edition, a much
enhanced version of Phoenix, which however is mainly focused for the TI-89
so it does not use the full TI-92 Plus screen. This section also includes
Monster, a grayscale breakout-like game with scrolling and bonuses, as
well as Mercury, another high-performance cale shoot-em-up, as well as
Smiley's Adventure, a platform game.
- TI-85 (No frames)
The TI-85 was the first calculator I programmed for, so almost all of my calculator games have
TI-85 versions. These include Galaxian, ZMercury, and Phoenix (shoot-em-up games), TesBwan (an Arkanoid-like game
with grayscale and scrolling), Orzunoid (as you may be able to
guess, it's similar to Arkanoid), Pac-Man 99, and Z-Kart 3D (a very simple racing game). All of thes
programs are for Usgard, the leading operating system for the TI-85. Most of these games require
Usgard, but TesBwan will run under ZShell as well as Usgard and most other shells.
Additionally, some older games I
have made for ZShell are available here.
- TI-82 (No frames)
This page includes Phoenix and ZMercury, two fast-paced shoot-em-up games, and Pac-Man 99, both now available for
the new ACE shell which
supports ROM
version 19.006 as well as the older versions.
This page also includes some other TI-82 games only for the older Ash shell:
Galaxian, Orzunoid (a breakout-like game) and and Z-Kart 3D (a very simple racing game).
- TI-83 Plus / TI-84 Plus (No frames)
I have recently started making TI-83 Plus Ion versions of some of my
calculator games. Currently available here are Phoenix and ZMercury, two fast-paced shoot-em-up games, and Phoenix
III (only in an
early version at the moment) which is the sequel to Phoenix and features grayscale and a scrolling
This page also includes a few games I wrote that were converted to the TI-83 Plus by others: Galaxian (a shoot-em-up
game), Orzunoid, Pac-Man 99, and Z-Kart 3D (a very simple racing game). All of these programs will work on
the original TI-83 Plus, the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, the TI-84 Plus, and the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.
- TI-83 (No frames)
I don't even have a TI-83, but programs I have made on the TI-83 Plus for Ion have TI-83 Ion versions also.
Currently the only programs I have released here are Phoenix and ZMercury, both shoot-em-up gamea. Many of my other calculator games
have been converted to the TI-83 by others. This page also includes a few games I wrote that were converted to the
TI-83 by others: Galaxian (a shoot-em-up game), Orzunoid, Pac-Man 99, and Z-Kart 3D (a very simple racing game).
- TI-92 (No frames)
The home of the Fargo II version of Phoenix, the most infamous high-performance shoot-em-up game for
any calculator, as well as the grayscalle shoot-em-ups Platinum and
Mercury. Additionally,
there are some older (and very simple) games I wrote for Fargo I here.
- Casio Algebra FX 2.0 / Graph 100 (No frames)
I have previously done some program on the the Casio Algebra FX 2.0 / Graph 100 calculator in assembly language.
This calculator's processor uses the x86 instruction set so programs for it are (barely) runnable on PCs as well.
Right now there is only one program I have released, an early version of Platinum Edition (a shoot-em-up game).
Calculator links
General calculator sites:
- ticalc.org (English) - This is by far the leading calculator site. It has archives
of nearly every program available for every TI calculator, and also has reviews and ratings of many programs.
It also has news (with very active discussion)
and mailing lists. Unfortunately, in addition to having a huge number of
good programs there are also plenty of bad ones mixed in with them.
- Omnimaga (English) - A newer site with extensive discussion forums.
- Cemetech (English) - A newer site with extensive discussion forums.
- yAronet (French) - A site of forums, including a large TI calculator section.
- TI-FR (French) - Has archives (which are very small at the moment) and news.
- CalcGames.org (English) - Unfortunately this one is not very active now.
Sites on specific programs, programmers and programming groups:
- Jonah Cohen - author of many high-quality TI-86 programs,
including Diamonds (a breakout-like game) and MegaCar.
- Aaron Curtis - author of YAS, the best shell for
the TI-86, and high-quality TI-86 games such as Defender (a side-scrolling shoot-em-up), Falldown
Forever, and Blinded by the Dark (an advanced RPG).
- Icarus Productions - an organization including many
legendary calculator programmers. Their high-quality programs include Usgard (the leading TI-85
shell), ztetris (the definitive Tetris for all calculators from the TI-82 through the TI-86), Balloon (TI-85), Sqrxz
(a platform game for the TI-85/TI-86), Boulder Dash, XC-1701 (a grayscale shoot-em-up
for the TI-85), Plain Jump (TI-85/TI-86), Daedalus (TI-85 raycaster), Maze3D (TI-86 raycaster), and
M.C. Mik (a grayscale platform game for the TI-85). They are no longer very active on TI calculators.
- PsiGoo - author of high-quality TI-89 games such as
Evasive (a side-scrolling grayscale shoot-em-up), Rodent Revenge, and Worm. He is also developing
TISS, a high-quality spreadsheet program.
- Shiar - author of high-quality TI-86 games Nemesis (a
shoot-em-up) and Wormy. Also has reviews of many programs.
- TI-Chess Team - as the name suggests, the source of
TI-Chess. They have also released a few other high-quality games, such as TI-Minesweeper and Sokomize (a Sokoban-like game). All of these are for the TI-89 and TI-92+.
- TI-GCC - a high-quality development system for the TI-89
and TI-92+, based on the highly-optimizing GCC C compiler.
- Time To Team - a TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92+
programming group.
Their high-quality releases include Solar Striker (a grayscale shoot-em-up game with parallax
scrolling), Sonic Misadventures (a grayscale platform game), and Genlib (a highly advanced graphics
library for game programming). They also have Chrono Fantasy, an advanced graysale RPG, under
- The Void Productions - a programming group focusing on the
TI-82, TI-83, TI-83+, and TI-86. Their high-quality games include FrawgGuts (a Frogger-like game
for all of these calculators), Subhunt, and Super Mario 82. They have also ported many programs
written by others. Most members of this group are not very active on TI calculators anymore.
Other calculator stuff
- The Ultimate Calculator FAQ - An almost-complete help document focusing
on assembly programs. Unlike most other FAQ documents, this one does not exclusively contain
information which is obvious or easy to find in the manual.
- Source Guru - An experimental program I wrote to automatically
convert TI-85 assembly language programs to run on the TI-89, TI-92, and TI-92 Plus calculators. It is
not quite complete, although a few programs can be converted. This is mainly just a demonstration that
such conversion is possible, not a program for actual users.
- Fake defacement of this site - Posted as April Fool's joke for 2002.
- Access Statistics - Gives summary and detailed
statistics on accesses to this site. Includes day-by-day counts of the total number
of accesses, as well as number of unique IP addresses accessing, each main
site and download.
- Flame Mail I have recevied about this site (and mainly the programs on
it). Beware that this section is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. It isn't really
suitable for those who are 18 or older, either.
- Amiga Stuff : Frames. No Frames.
Amiga was the first computer that I ever did much programming on. My Amiga page supplies a number of
programs I've made over the last four years. Most of these programs are designed for low-end Amigas,
so all Amiga users should be able to run them. This page has not been updated much in the last couple
of years.
- MS-DOS Stuff : Frames. No Frames. I
have recently started to do a lot of programming on IBM-compatible computers. I have written programs
in assembler, C, and Pascal. This page contains programs designed for a wide range of PCs; a few
simple programs are for all PCs, most are designed for 486+ processors, and a few require higher-level
systems. This page has not been updated much in the last couple of years.