Hello all! We hope you are doing well during this difficult time.
With all that is happening, the MOVE team has been set back in terms of our timeline. MOVE fellow applications will not be released until next week April 27th.
However, our team will continue to work through, in order to finalize details for the 2020-2021 academic year. Thus, we are delighted to announce that we are officially looking for new members of our CORE TEAM. We have just released an application to become a coordinator and help plan MOVE’s logistics.
Here are the outlined responsibilities of the MOVE core team: tinyurl.com/MOVEcoretasks
If you are interested, please fill out the application here: tinyurl.com/MOVEcore2020
Please contact us at team@movefellowship.studentorg.berkeley.edu if you have any questions or would like to know more about the coordinating team’s responsibilities!
Wishing you all the best,