In the novel, Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini, many events are reflective of real life situations. Oppression is a prevalent theme throughout the novel, just as oppression is prevalent in society. Many different types of oppression has become so internalized by society that some forms of oppression aren't even noticed anymore because everyone accepts it as being part of the social structure. If people try to break out of the social code, they are usually silenced unless more people follow the lead of the rebels and change the inequality that is occurring. Many different people can be oppressed for different reasons and in Kite Runner, racism, and ableism are two forms of oppression that are addressed. The novel shows how both of these marginalized people are being oppressed because of their race, or disability, People need to open their eyes and see the oppression that is going on in the w orld and recognize that they themselves may be victims of oppressi on, or that themselves are the oppressors. Society needs to become informed about this issue that seems to be accepted. People need to start to questioning why things are the way they are and start to think for themselves instead of just accepting what has been occurring in society because the cycle of oppression will just continue if no one takes a stand. Hosseini's novel is just introducing the issue at hand, and his readers need to take a stand. |