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1. Whalen, R.E. and K. Nakayama. Induction of oestrous behavior: Facilitation by repeated hormone treatments. J. Endocrinol. 33: 525-526. 1965.

2. Weinberger, N.M., K. Nakayama and D.B. Lindsley. Electrocortical responses during classical conditioning. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 24:16-24, 1968.

3. Nakayama, K. An analysis of backward and forward masking in terms of single unit responses in the cat visual system. Proc. Ann. Conv. Am. Psych. Assn., 317-318, 1968.

4. Nakayama, K. Local adaptation in LGN cells: Evidence for a surround antagonism. Vision Res. 11: 501-509, 1971. download pdf file

5. Nakayama, K. and D.J. Roberts. Line length detectors in the human visual system: Evidence from selective adaptation. Vision Res. 12: 1709-1713, 1972.

6. Loomis, J.M. and K. Nakayama. A velocity analogue of brightness contrast. Perception 2: 425-428, 1973. download pdf file

7. Nakayama, K. and J.M. Loomis. Optical velocity patterns, velocity sensitive neurons and space perception: A hypothesis. Perception 3: 63-80, 1974. download pdf file

8. Nakayama, K. Photographic determination of the rotational state of the eye using matrices. Am. J. Optom. and Physiol. Optics 51: 736-742, 1974. download pdf file

9. Nakayama, K. Coordination of extraocular muscles. In, Basic Mechanisms in Ocular Motility and Their Clinical Implications. G. Lennerstrand and P. Bach-y-Rita (Eds.), Pergamon Press pp. 193-207, 1975.

10. Nakayama, K. and R. Balliet. Listing’s Law, eye position sense, and perception of the vertical. Vision Res. 17: 453-457, pdf file

11. Nakayama, K. Geometrical and physiological aspects of depth perception. In, 3-D Image Processing. Stephen Benton (Ed.), Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Proceedings 120: 1-8, 1977. download pdf file

12. Balliet, R. and K. Nakayama. Trained human voluntary torsion. In, Neurophysiologie und Klinik der Augenbewegungsstoerungen, G. Kommerell (Ed.), Muenchen: J.F. Bergmann pp. 221-227, 1977.

13. Balliet, R. and K. Nakayama. Training of voluntary torsion. Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci. 17: 303-314, 1978. download pdf file Please click here to see a short film with subjects voluntarily moving their eyes about the visual axis.

14. Nakayama, K. A new technique to determine the primary position of the eye using Listing’s Law. Am. J. Optom. and Physiol. Optics 55: 331-336, 1978. download pdf file

15. Balliet, R. and K. Nakayama. Egocentric orientation is influenced by trained voluntary cyclorotary eye movements. Nature 275: 214-216, 1978. download pdf file

16. Tyler, C.W., P. Apkarian and K. Nakayama. Multiple spatial frequency tuning of electrical responses from the human visual cortex. Exp. Brain Res. 33: 535-550, 1978. download pdf file

17. Nakayama, K. and C.W. Tyler. Relative motion induced in stationary lines. Vision Res. 18: 1663-1668, 1978. download pdf file

18. Tyler, C.W., P. Apkarian, D. Levi and K. Nakayama. Rapid assessment of visual function: An electronic sweep technique for the pattern evoked potential. Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci. 18: 703-713, 1979. download pdf file

19. Tyler, C.W., P. Apkarian and K. Nakayama. High temporal frequency evoked potentials to luminance and pattern stimulation in peripheral retina. In, Evoked Potentials. C. Barber (Ed.), Lancaster, England: MTP Press, Ltd. pp. 199-204, 1979.

20. Nakayama, K., M. Mackeben and E. Sutter. Narrow spatial and temporal frequency tuning in the alert monkey VEP. Brain Res. 193: 263-267, 1980.

21. Tyler, C.W. and K. Nakayama. Grating induction: A new type of after-effect. Vision Res. 20:437-441, 1980.

22. Nakayama, K. Differential motion hyperacuity under conditions of common image motion. Vision Res. 21:1475-1482, 1981. download pdf file

23. Nakayama, K. and A. Jampolsky. Introduction to infant psychophysics. In, Application of Psychophysics to Clinical Problems. Proenza (Ed.), Cambridge: University Press pp. 108-110, 1981.

24. Nakayama, K. and C.W. Tyler. Psychophysical isolation of motion sensitivity by removal of familiar position cues. Vision Res. 21: 427-433, 1981. download pdf file

25. Apkarian, P., K. Nakayama and C.W. Tyler. Binocularity in the human visual evoked potential: Facilitation, summation, and suppression. EEG and Clin. Neurophysiol. 51: 32-48, 1981.

26. Tyler, C.W., K. Nakayama, P. Apkarian, and D. Levi. VEP assessment of visual function. Vision Res. 21: 607-610, 1981. download pdf file

27. Nakayama, K. and M. Mackeben. Steady state visual evoked potentials in the alert primate. Vision Res. 22: 1261-1271, 1982. download pdf file

28. Nakayama, K. The relationship of visual evoked potentials to cortical physiology. In, Evoked Potentials, Ivan Bodis-Wollner (Ed.), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 388 pp. 21-36, 1982. download pdf file

29. Nakayama, K. Spatial frequency limitations in binocular neurons: Visual evoked potential evidence. In, Evoked Potentials, Ivan Bodis-Wollner (Ed.), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 388 pp. 610-614, 1982.

30. Nakayama, K. Motion parallax sensitivity and space perception. In, Spatially Coordinated Behavior. A. Hein and M. Jeannerod (Eds.), Academic Press pp. 223-242, 1982.

31. Nakayama, K. Kinematics of normal and strabismic eyes. In, Basic and Clinical Aspects of Binocular Vergence Movements. K. Ciuffreda and C. Schor (Eds.), Butterworths pp. 544-564, 1983. download pdf file

32. Frost, B. and K. Nakayama. Single visual neurons code opposing motion independent of direction. Science 220: 744-745, 1983. download pdf file

33. Tyler, C.W. and K. Nakayama. Size interactions in the perception of orientation. In, Sensory Experience, Adaptation, and Perception: Festschrift for Ivo Kohler. B. Wooten and L. Spillman (Eds.), pp. 529-546, pdf file

34. McKee, S.P. and K. Nakayama. The detection of motion in the peripheral visual field. Vision Res. 24: 25-32, 1984. download pdf file

35. Nakayama, K. and G.H. Silverman. Temporal and spatial characteristics of the upper displacement limit for motion in random dots. Vision Res. 24: 293-299, 1984. download pdf file

36. Nakayama, K. Animal magnetism. Review of biomagnetism: An inter-disciplinary approach. Contemp. Psych.. 29: 811, 1984.

37. Nakayama, K. Extraction of higher order derivatives of the optical velocity vector field: Limitation imposed by biological hardware. In, Brain Mechanisms and Spatial Vision. D. Ingle, M. Jennerod and D. Lee (Eds.), Martinus Nijoff, Holland pp. 59-71, pdf file

38. Nakayama, K. Biological image motion processing: A review. Vision Res. 25: 625-660, 1985. download pdf file

39. Nakayama, K. and G.H. Silverman. Detection and discrimination of sinusoidal grating displacements. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 2: 267-274, 1985. download pdf file

40. Golumb, B., R.A. Andersen, K. Nakayama, D.I.A. MacLeod and A. Wong. Visual thresholds for shearing motion in monkey and man. Vision Res. 25: 813-820, 1985. download pdf file

41. Nakayama, K., G. Silverman, D.I.A. MacLeod and J. Mulligan. Sensitivity to shearing and compressive motion in random dots. Perception 14: 225-236, 1985. download pdf file

42. McKee, S.M., G.H. Silverman and K. Nakayama. Precise velocity discrimination despite random variations in temporal frequency and contrast. Vision Res. 26: 609-619, 1986. download pdf file

43. Nakayama, K. and G.H. Silverman. Serial and parallel processing of visual feature conjunctions. Nature 320: 264-265, 1986. download pdf file

44. Nakayama, K. and G.H. Silverman. The aperture problem–I. Perception of non-rigidity and motion detection in translating sinusoidal lines. Vision Res. 28: 739-746, 1988. download pdf file

45. Nakayama, K. and G.H. Silverman. The aperture problem–II. Spatial integration of velocity information along contours. Vision Res. 28: 747-753, 1988. download pdf file

46. Shimojo, S., G.H. Silverman and K. Nakayama. An occlusion-related mechanism of depth perception based on motion and interocular sequence. Nature 333: 265-268, 1988. download pdf file

47. Nakayama, K., P. Apkarian, M. Mackeben and C.W. Tyler. Visual evoked potentials: Isolation of cortical subpopulations narrowly tuned to spatial frequency. In, Neurophysiology and Psychophysiology , G.C. Galbraith, M.L. Kietzman and E. Donchin (Eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. pp. 91-101, 1988.

48. Nakayama, K., S. Shimojo and G.H. Silverman. Stereoscopic Depth: Its relation to image segmentation, grouping and the recognition of occluded objects. Perception 18: 55-68, 1989. download pdf file

49. Shimojo, S., G.H. Silverman and K. Nakayama. Occlusion and the solution to the aperture problem for motion. Vision Res. 29: 619-626, 1989. download pdf file

50. Nakayama, K. and M. Mackeben. Sustained and transient components of focal visual attention. Vision Res. 29: 1631-1647, pdf file

51. Paradiso, M.A., S. Shimojo and K. Nakayama. Subjective contours, tilt aftereffects, and visual cortical organization. Vision Res. 29: 1205-1213, pdf file

52. Nakayama, K. and Shimojo, S. Intermediate and higher order aspects of motion processing: Temporal and spatial pooling of velocity signals and the role of hidden lines and surfaces. In, Proceedings of the Retina Research Foundation Symposium, Volume 2, Neural Mechanisms of Visual Perception, D. M-K Lam and C.B. Gilbert (Eds.), Portfolio Publishing Company, The Woodlands, TX pp. 281-296 1989.

53. Nakayama, K. The iconic bottleneck and the tenuous link between early visual processing and perception. In, Vision: Coding and efficiency, C. Blakemore (Ed.), Cambridge University Press pp. 411-422, 1990. download pdf file

54. Nakayama, K. and S. Shimojo. DaVinci stereopsis: Depth and subjective contours from unpaired monocular points. Vision Res. 30:1811-1825, pdf file

55. Nakayama, K. Properties of early motion processing: Implications for the sensing of ego motion. In, The Perception and Control of Self Motion, R. Warren and A.H.Wertheim (Eds.) Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ pp. 69-80 1990. download pdf file

56. Nakayama, K., Shimojo, S. and Ramachandran, V.S. Transparency: Relation to depth, subjective contours and color spreading. Perception 19: 497-513, 1990. download pdf file

57. Shimojo, S. and Nakayama, K. Amodal presence of partially occluded surfaces: role of invisible stimuli in apparent motion correspondence. Perception 19: 285-299, 1990. download pdf file

58. Shimojo, S. and Nakayama, K. Real world occlusion constraints and binocular rivalry interaction. Vision Res. 30: 69-80, 1990. download pdf file

59. Vaina, L.M., LeMay, M. Bienfang, D.C., Choi, A.Y. and Nakayama, K. Intact “biological motion” and “structure from motion” perception in a patient with impaired motion mechanisms: A case study. Vis. Neurosci. 5: 353-369, 1990.

60. Nakayama, K. and Shimojo, S. Towards a neural understanding of visual surface representation. In, The Brain, Volume 55, p. 911-924, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, T. Sejnowski, E.R. Kandel, C.F. Stevens and J.D. Watson (Eds.), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY, 1990. download pdf file

61. Paradiso, M.A. and Nakayama, K. Brightness perception and filling-in Vision Res. 31: 1221-1236, 1991. download pdf file

62. Bravo, M. and Nakayama, K. The role of attention in different visual search tasks. Percept. and Psychophys. 51: 465-472, 1992. download pdf file

63. Nakayama, K. and Shimojo. S. Experiencing and perceiving visual surfaces. Science 257: 1357-1363, 1992. download pdf file with color figures 2 and 6 appended . download pdf file

64. He, Z. J. and Nakayama, K. Surfaces vs. features in visual search. Nature 359: 231-233, 1992. download pdf file

65. Mackeben, M. and Nakayama, K. Express attentional shifts. Vision Res. 33: 85-90, 1993. download pdf file

66. Plant, G.T., Laxer, K.D., Barbaro, N.M., Schiffman, J.S. and Nakayama, K. Impaired visual motion perception in the contralateral hemifield following unilateral posterior cerebral lesions in humans. Brain 116: 1303- 1335, 1993. download pdf file

67. Plant, G.T. and Nakayama, K. The characteristics of residual motion perception in the hemifield contralateral to lateral occipital lesions in humans. Brain 116: 1337-1353, 1993. download pdf file

68. He, Z.J. and Nakayama, K. Apparent motion determined by surfacelayout not by disparity or 3 – dimensional distance. Nature 367: 173-175, 1994. download pdf file

69. He, Z.J. and Nakayama, K. Perceiving textures: beyond filtering. Vision Research 34: 151-162, 1994. download pdf file

70. Nakayama, K. James J. Gibson – An Appreciation. Psychological Review, 101, 329-335, 1994. download pdf file

71. Shimojo. S. and Nakayama, K. Interocularly unpaired zones escape local matching. Vision Research , 34, 1875-1881, 1994 download pdf file

72. He, Z.J. and Nakayama, K. Surface shape not features determines apparent motion correspondence. Vision Research 34, 2125-2136, 1994 download pdf file

73. Verghese, P. and Nakayama, K. Stimulus discriminability and visual search. Vision Research, 34, 2453-2468, 1994

74. Anderson, B.L. and Nakayama, K. Towards a general theory of stereoscopic processing: Matching, occlusion and fusion Psychological Review 101, 414-445, 1994. download pdf file

75. Maljkovic, V. and Nakayama, K. Priming of popout: I. Role of features, Memory and Cognition 22, 657-672, 1994 download pdf file

76. Nakayama, K. and He, Z.J. Attention to surfaces: beyond a Cartesian understanding of visual attention. In Early Vision and Beyond, T. V. Papathomas, ed, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, 1995.

77. Nakayama, K. , He, Z.J. and Shimojo, S. Visual surface representation: a critical link between lower-level and higher level vision. In Kosslyn, S.M. and Osherson, D.N. Vision. In Invitation to Cognitive Science. M.I.T. Press, p. 1-70, 1995 download pdf file

78. He, Z.J. and Nakayama, K. Visual attention to surfaces in 3-D space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92, 11155-11159, 1995. download pdf file

79. Rubin, N., Nakayama, K., and Shapley, R.M. Enhanced perception of illusory contours in the lower versus the upper visual hemifields. Science. 651-653, 1996.

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80. Nakayama, K. Binocular visual surface perception. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93, 634-639, 1996. download pdf file

81. Maljkovic, V. and Nakayama, K. Priming of popout: II. Role of position. Perception and Psychophysics 58, 977-991, 1996. download pdf file

82. Joseph, J.S., Chun, M.M. and Nakayama, K. Attentional requirements in a “preattentive” feature search task. Nature, 387, 805-807, 1997 download pdf file

83. Rubin, N., Nakayama, K., and Shapley, R.M. Abrupt learning and retinal size specificity in illusory-contour perception. Current Biology 7, 461-467, 1997 download pdf file

84. Nakayama, K., & Joseph, J. S. (1998). Attention, pattern recognition and popout in visual search. In R. Parasuraman (Eds.), The Attentive Brain (pp. 279-298). Cambridge: MIT Press. download pdf file

85. Joseph, J.S., Chun, M.M. and Nakayama, K. Reply to Braun Nature, 387, 805-807, 1998 download pdf file

86. Holzman, P. S., Chen, Y., Nakayama, K., Levy, D. L., & Matthysse, S. (1998). How are deficits in motion perception related to eye-tracking dysfunction in schizophrenia? In M. F. Lenzenweger & R. H. Dworkin (Eds.), Origins and development of schizphrenia: advances in experimental psychopathology Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

87. Kanwisher, N., Tong, F., & Nakayama, K. (1998). The effect of face inversion on the human fusiform face area. Cognition, 68, B1-B11. download pdf file

88. Tse, P., Cavanagh, P., & Nakayama, K. (1998). The role of parsing in high level motion processing. In T. Watanabe (Eds.), High-level motion processing: computational, neurobiological, and psychophysical perspectives (pp. 249-267). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. download pdf file

89. Nakayama, K. (1998). Vision fin-de-siËcle – A reductionistic explanation of perception for the 21st Century? In J. Hochberg (Eds.), Perception and Cognition at Century’s End: History, Philosophy, Theory (pp. 307-331). Academic Press. download pdf file

90. Tong, F., Nakayama, K., Vaughan, T. J., & Kanwisher, N. (1998). Binocular Rivalry and Visual Awareness in Human Extrastriate Cortex. Neuron, 21, 753-759. download pdf file

91. Gillam, B., & Nakayama, K. (1999). Quantitative depth for a phantom surface can be based on cyclopean occlusion cues alone. Vision Res., 39, 109-112. download pdf file

92. Joseph, J. S., & Nakayama, K. (1999). Amodal representation depends on the object seen before partial occlusion. Vision Res, 39, 283-292. download pdf file

93. McPeek, R.M., Maljkovic, V., and Nakayama, K. (1999) Saccades require focal attention and are facilitated by a short-term memory system. Vision Res, 39, 1555-1566. download pdf file

94. Chen Y., McPeek R., Intriligator J., Holzman P., Nakayama K. (1999), Smooth pursuit to a movement flow and associated perceptual judgments. Current Oculomotor research, 125-128.

95. Chen Y, Levy D., Nakayama K., Matthysse S., Palafox G., Holzman P. (1999), Dependence of impaired eye tracking on deficient velocity discrimination in Schizophrenia. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (56) 155-161. download pdf file

96. Chen Y, Palafox G., Nakayama K., Levy D., Matthysse S., Holzman P. (1999), Motion perception in Schizophrenia . Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (56) 149-154. download pdf file

97. Gillam B., Blackburn and Nakayama K., (1999) Stereopsis based on monocular gaps: metrical encoding of depth and slant without matching contours. Vision Research (39) 493-502. download pdf file

98. Chen, Y., Nakayama, K., Levy, D., Matthysse, S., & Holzman, P. S. (1999c). Psychophysical isolation of motion processing deficits in schizophrenics and their relatives and its relation to eye tracking deficits. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci 96, 4724-4729. download pdf file

99. Tong, Frank; Nakayama, Ken. (1999) Robust representations for faces: Evidence from visual search. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance., 25 ,1016-1035. download pdf file

100. Nakayama, K. (1999). Mid-level vision. In R. A. Wilson & F. C. Keil (Eds.), The MIT encylopedia of the cognitive sciences Cambridge: MIT Press. download pdf file

101. Chun, M. M., & Nakayama, K. (2000). On the functional role of implicit visual memory for the adaptive deployment of attention across scenes. Visual Cognition, 7, 65-81. download pdf file

102. Tong, F., Nakayama, K., Moscovitch, M., Weinrib, O., & Kanwisher, N. (2000). Response properties of the human fusiform face area. Cogn. Neuropsychol., 17, 257-279. download pdf file

103. Maljkovic, V., & Nakayama, K. (2000). Priming of Popout: III. A short term Implicit memory system beneficial for rapid target selection. Visual Cognition, 7, 571-595. download pdf file

104. McPeek, R.M., Skavenski, A., Nakayama, K. (2000) Concurrent processing of saccades in visual search. Vision Research, 40, 2499-2516. download pdf file

105. Bakin, J. S., Nakayama, K., & Gilbert, C. D. (2000). Visual responses in monkey areas V1 and V2 to three dimensional surface configurations. J. Neuroscience, 20, 8188-8198. download pdf file 

106. Nakayama, Ken. Modularity in perception, its relation to cognition and knowledge. [Chapter] Goldstein, E. Bruce (Ed). (2001). Blackwell handbook of perception. Handbook of experimental psychology series. (pp. 737-759). Malden, MA, US: Blackwell Publishers Inc.. xii, 788pp. download pdf file

107. McKone, E., P. Martini, et al. (2001). “Categorical perception of face identity in noise isolates configural processing.” J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 27(3): 573-99. download pdf file

108. Kristjansson, Mackeben, M. and Nakayama, K. (2001) Rapid, object-based learning in the deployment of transient attention. Perception 30, 1375-1387. download pdf file

109. Kristjansson, A., Y. Chen, et al. (2001). “Less attention is more in the preparation of antisaccades, but not prosaccades.” Nat Neurosci 4(10): 1037-42. download pdf file

110. Gillam, B. and K. Nakayama (2002). “Subjective contours at line terminations depend on scene layout analysis, not image processing.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance 28:43-53. download pdf file

111. Kourtzi, Zoe; Nakayama, Ken (2002). Distinct mechanisms for the representation of moving and static objects. Visual Cognition. 9, 248-264. download pdf file

112. Kristjansson, A., Wang, D.L. and Nakayama, K. The role of priming in conjunctive visual search. Cognition (2002) 37-52. download pdf file

113. Mednick, S.C., Nakayama, K., Cantero, J.L., Aitenza, M., Levin, A.A., Pathak, N. and Stickgold, R. The restorative effect of naps on perceptual deterioration. Nature Neuroscience 5, 677-681. download pdf file

114. Kristjansson, A. and K. Nakayama (2002). “The attentional blink in space and time.” Vision Res 42(17): 2039. download pdf file

115. Rubin, N., Nakayama, K. and Shapley, R. (2002), The role of insight in perceptual learning: evidence from illusory contour perception. Perceptual Learning, Fahle, M. and Poggio, T. (Eds.), MIT Press. download pdf file

116. Scholl, B. J. and K. Nakayama (2002). “Causal capture: contextual effects on the perception of collision events.” Psychol Sci 13(6): 493-8. download pdf file

117. Chen, Y, Holzman P, Nakayama: “Visual and cognitive contol of attention in smooth pursuit:. Progress in brain research chap 17, vol 140, Elsevier Science 2002.

118. Mednick, S., K. Nakayama, et al. (2003). “Sleep-dependent learning: a nap is as good as a night.” Nat Neurosci 6(7): 697-8. download pdf file

119. Kristjansson, Arni; Nakayama, Ken. A primitive memory system for the deployment of transient attention. Perception & Psychophysics. Vol 65(5) Jul 2003, 711-724. download pdf file

120. McKone, Elinor; Martini, Paolo; Nakayama, Ken. Isolating holistic processing in faces (and perhaps objects). [Chapter] Peterson, Mary A. (Ed); Rhodes, Gillian (Ed). (2003). Perception of faces, objects, and scenes: Analytic and holistic processes. Advances in visual cognition. (pp. 92-117). London: Oxford University Press. viii, 393pp.

121. Chen, Yue; Levy, Deborah L; Sheremata, Summer; Nakayama, Ken; Matthysse, Steven; Holzman, Philip S. Effects of Typical, Atypical, and No Antipsychotic Drugs on Visual Contrast Detection in Schizophrenia.. American Journal of Psychiatry. Vol 160(10) Oct 2003, 1795-1801. download pdf file

122. Chen, Y; Nakayama, K; Levy, D; Matthysse, S; Holzman, P. Processing of global, but not local, motion direction is deficient in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research. Vol 61(2-3) Jun 2003, 215-227. download pdf file

123. Lenzenweger, Mark F; Nakayama, Ken; Chang, Bernard P. Methodological excursions in pursuit of a somatosensory dysfunction in schizotypy and schizophrenia. [Chapter] Lenzenweger, Mark F. (Ed); Hooley, Jill M. (Ed). (2003). Principles of experimental psychopathology: Essays in honor of Brendan A. Maher. (pp. 135-155). Washington, DC,

124. Rhodes G.; Jeffery L.; Watson T.L.; Clifford C.W.G.; Nakayama K. Fitting the mind to the world: face adaptation and attractiveness aftereffects. Psychological Science, November 2003, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 558-566(9) download pdf file

125. Duchaine, B. C., H. Parker, K. Nakayama (2003). “Normal recognition of emotion in a prosopagnosic.” Perception 32(7): 827-38download pdf file

126. Parker H. McNally R. Nakayama K. Wilhelm S. No disgust recognition deficit in obsessive-compulsive disorder. J. of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry. 2004, vol 35, pp 183-192.

127. Scholl B. Nakayama K. Illusory Causal Crescents: Misperceived spatial relations due to perceived causality Perception 2004, volume 33, (4), pp 455 – 469. download pdf file

128. Duchaine B Dingle K Butterworth E Nakayama K. Normal Greeble Learning in a severe case of developmental prosopagnosia. Neuron August 2004 Vol 43 pp469-473 download pdf file

129. Nakayama K, Maljkovic V, Kristjansson A. Short-term memory for the rapid deployment of visual attention, chap 29 in the Cognitive Neurosciences III, edited by Gazzaniga 2004 pp397-408. download pdf file

130. Duchaine B, Nakayama K. Developmental prosopagnosia and the Benton Facial Recognition Test. Neurology 2004 (62) pp1219-1220. download pdf file

131. Wang D, Kristjansson A, Nakayama K. Efficient visual search without top-down or bottom-up guidance. Perception and Psychophysics, 2005, 67 (2) pp239-253. download pdf file

132. Duchaine B, Nakayama K. Dissociations of Face and Object Recognition in Developmental Prosopagnosia. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2005 172 pp 249-261. download pdf file

133. Nakayama, K. Resolving border disputes in midlevel vision. Neuron 47, 5-8, 2005. download pdf file

134. Harris A, Duchaine B, Nakayama, K. Normal and abnormal face selectivity of the M170 response in developmental prosopagnosics. Neuropsychologia 2005. download pdf file

135. Sadr J, Troje NF, Nakayama, K. Axes versus averages: High-level representations of dynamic point-light forms. Visual Cognition 14(1): 119-122 2006. download pdf file

136. Chiao, J.Y., Heck, H.E., Nakayama, K. and Ambady, N. Priming race in biracial observers affects visual search for different race faces. Psychological Sci 17 (5): 387-392 2006) download pdf file

137. Duchaine, B. and Nakayama, K. The Cambridge Face Memory Test: Results for neurologically intact individuals and an investigation of its validity using inverted face stimuli and prosopagnosic participants Neuropsychologia 44 (4): 576-585 2006 download pdf file

138. Martini, P., McKone, E. & Nakayama, K. Orientation tuning of human face processing estimated by contrast matching in transparency displays. Vision Research, 46, 2102-2109 2006 download pdf file

139. Troje, N., Sadr, J., Geyer H. and Nakayama, K. Adaptation aftereffects in the perception of gender from biological motion. Journal of Vision, 6, 850-857 2006. download pdf file

140. Duchaine B.and Nakayama, K. Developmental prosopagnosia: a window to content-specific face processing. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 16 (2), 166-173, 2006 download pdf file

141 Song JH, Nakayama K. Role of focal attention on latencies and trajectories of visually guided manual pointing. Journal of Vision 6 (9): 982-995 2006 download pdf file

142 Song JH, Nakayama K. Fixation offset facilitates saccades and manual reaching for single but not multiple target displays. Experimental Brain Research 177 (2): 223-232 2007 download pdf file

143 Harris, A, Nakayama K. Rapid Face-selective Adaptation of an early Extrastriate component in MEG. Cerebral Cortex 17 (1): 63-70 2007download pdf file

144 Edelman J., Kristjansson A., Nakayama K. The influence of object-relative visuomotor set on express saccades. Journal of Vision 7(6) 12 1-13 2007. download pdf file

145 Song, J.H, Nakayama K. Automatic adjustment of visuomotor readiness. Journal of Vision 7(5) 2 1-9 2007 download pdf file

146 Wilmer J. and Nakayama K. Two distinct visual motion mechanisms for smooth pursuit: Evidence from individual differences. Neuron 54 1-14 2007 download pdf file

147 Duchaine B, Germine L, Nakayama K. Family resemblance: Ten family members with prosopagnosia and within-class object agnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology 24 (4) 419-430 2007 download pdf file

148 Duchaine B, Yovel G, Nakayama K. No global processing deficit in the Navon task in 14 developmental prosopagnosics. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 2 104-113 2007. download pdf file

149 Harris, A. M. and Nakayama, K. Rapid adaptation of the M170 Response: Importance of face parts. Cerebral Cortex 18 467-476 2008. download pdf file

150 Xu, Y., Nakayama K. Visual short-term memory benefit for objects on different surfaces in depth. J. Experimental Psychology: General 136(4) 653-662 2007 download pdf file

151 Song JH, Nakayama K. Numeric comparison in a visually-guided manual reaching task. Cognition 106 994-1003 2008. download pdf file

152 Finkbeiner M., Song JH, Nakayama K., Caramazza A. Engaging the motor system with masked orthographic primes: a kinematic analysis. Visual Cognition 16 (1) 11-22 2008 download pdf file

153 Song JH, Nakayama K. Target selection in visual search as revealed by movement trajectories. Vision Research 48 853-861 2008. download pdf file

154 Chen Y., Grossman E., Bidwell C., Yurgelun-Todd D., Gruber S., Levy D, Nakayama K., Holzman P. Differential activation patterns of occipital and prefrontal cortices during motion processing: evidence from normal and schizophrenic brains. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience 8(3) 293-303 2008. download pdf file

155 Yardley L, McDermott L, Pisarski S, Duchaine B , Nakayama K. Psychosocial consequences of developmental prosopagnosia: A problem of recognition. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 65 445-451 2008. download pdf file

156 Almeida, J., Mahon, B.Z., Nakayama, K., and Caramazza, A. “Unconscious processing dissociates along categorical lines.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105 (39) 15214-8 2008. download pdf file

157 Russell R., Duchaine B., Nakayama, K. “Super-recognizers:People with extraordinary face recognition ability.” Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 16 (2) 252-257 2009. download pdf file

158 Nakayama K., Shimojo S., Ramachandran V.S. “Authors’update: Surfaces revisited.” Perception 38 859-877 2009. download pdf file

159 Song, J.H., Nakayama, K. “Hidden cognitive states revealed in choice reaching tasks.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 13 (8) 360-366 2009. download pdf file

160 Nakayama, K. “Vision going social.” The science of social vision. Adams, R.B. Jr., Ambady, N., Nakayama, K. & Shimojo, S. (Eds) Oxford University Press 13 download pdf file

161 Wilmer, J.B., Germine, L., Chabris, C.F., Chatterjee, G., Williams, M., Loken, E., Nakayama, K., & Duchaine, B. (2010). Human face recognition ability is specific and highly heritable. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 107 (11), 5238-5241. download pdf file

162 Schlicht, E.J., Shimojo, S., Camerer, C.F., Battaglia, P., & Nakayama, K. (2010). Human wagering behavior depends on opponents’ faces. PLoS One, 5 (7), e11663. download pdf file

163 Chen, H., Russell, R., Nakayama, K., & Livingstone, M. (2010). Crossing the ‘uncanny valley’: adaptation to cartoon faces can influence perception of human faces. Perception, 39 (3), 378-386. download pdf file

164 Lee, Y., Duchaine, B., Wilson, H.R., & Nakayama, K. (2010). Three cases of developmental prosopagnosia from one family: detailed neuropsychological and psychophysical investigation of face processing. Cortex, 46 (8), 949-964. download pdf file

165 Wilmer, J., Germine, L., Loken, E., Guo, X., Chatterjee, G., Nakayama, K., Williams, M., Chabris, C., and Duchaine, B. (2010) Reply to Thomas: Is human face recognition ability entirely genetic?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107, 24: E101-E101 download pdf file

166 Nakayama, K. and Martini, P. (2011) Situating Visual Search. Vision Research, 51, 1526-1537. download pdf file

167 Germine, L., Duchaine, B., & Nakayama, K. Where cognitive development and aging meet: Face learning ability peaks after age 30. Cognition 118, 2011. download pdf file

168 Russell, R., Chatterjee, G., & Nakayama, K. Developmental prosopagnosia and super-recognition: No special role for surface reflectance processing. Neuropsychologia 50, 2012. download pdf file

169 Cohen, M., Cavanagh, P., Chun, M., & Nakayama, K. The attentional requirements of consciousness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16, 2012. download pdf file

170 Cohen, M., Cavanagh, P., Chun, M., & Nakayama, K. Response to Tsuchiya et al.: Considering endogenous and exogenous attention. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16, 2012. download pdf file

171 Germine, L., Nakayama, K., Duchaine, B., Chabris, C., Chatterjee, G., Wilmer, J. Is the Web as good as the lab? Comparable performance from Web and lab in cognitive/perceptual experiments. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 19, 2012. download pdf file

172 DeGutis, J., Chatterjee, G., Mercado, R., Nakayama, K. Face gender recognition in developmental prosopagnosia: Evidence for holistic processing and use of configural information. Visual Cognition 20, 2012. download pdf file

173 DeGutis, J., Cohan, S., Mercado, R., Wilmer, J., Nakayama, K. Holistic Processing of the Mouth but not the Eyes in Developmental Prosopagnosia. Cognitive Neuropsychology 29, 2012. download pdf file

174 Wilmer, J., Germine, L., Chabris, C., Chatterjee, G., Gerbasi, M., Nakayama, K. Capturing specific abilities as a window into human individuality: The example of face recognition. Cognitive Neuropsychology 29, 2012. download pdf file

175 Almeida, J., Pajtas, P., Mahon, B.Z., Nakayama, K., Caramazza, A. Affect of the unconscious: Visually suppressed angry faces modeulate our decisions. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 13, 2013. download pdf file

176 Naber, M. & Nakayama, K. Pupil responses to high-level image content. Journal of Vision 13, 2013. download pdf file

177 Naber, M., Vaziri Pashkam, M., Nakayama, K. Unintended imitation affects success in a competitive game. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110, 20046-20050, 2013. download pdf file

178 Garrido, L., Vaziri Pashkam, M., Nakayama, K., Wilmer, J. The consequences of subtracting the mean pattern in fMRI multivariate correlation analyses. Frontiers in Neuroscience 7:174, 2013. download pdf file

179 Naber, M., Alvarez, G., Nakayama K. Tracking the allocation of attention using human pupillary oscillations. Frontiers in Psychology 4:919, 2013. download pdf file

180 Freeman, J. B., Nakayama, K., Ambady, N. Finger in flight reveals parallel categorization across multiple social dimentions. Social Cognition 31:792-805, 2013. download pdf file

181 DeGutis, J., Cohan, S., Nakayama, K. Holistic face training enhances face processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Brain 137:1781-1798 Part: 6, 2014. download pdf file

182 Cohen, M. A., Konkle, T., Rhee, J. Y., Nakayama, K., Alvarez, G. Processing multiple visual objects is limited in overlap by neural channels. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111:24:8955-8960, 2014. download pdf file

183 Scheirer, W. J., Anthony, S. E., Nakayama, K., Cox, D.C. Perceptual Annotation: Measuring Human Vision to Improve Computer Vision. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 36:8:1679-1686, 2014. download pdf file

184 Wilmer J.B., Germine, L., Nakayama, K. Face recognition: a model specific ability. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 8:769, 2014. download pdf file

185 Germine, L., Russell, R., Bronstad, P. M., Blokland, G. A., Nakayama K. & Wilmer, J. B. (2015). Individual Aesthetic Preferences for Faces Are Shaped Mostly by Environments, Not Genes. Current Biology. 25, 1-6, 2015. download pdf file

186 Pepperberg, IM and Nakayama, K Robust representation of shape in a Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) Cognition 153, 146-160, 2016 download pdf file

187 Cohen, M.A., Alvarez, G.A, Nakayama, K. Natural scene perception requires attention. Psychological Science, 22, 1165-1172, 2011. download pdf file

188 Cohen, M.A., Nakayama, K., Konkle, T., Stantic, M., Alvarez, G.A. Visual awareness is limited by the representational architecture of the visual system. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 2240-2252, 2015 download pdf file

189 Vaziri-Pashkam, M., Cormiea, S. and Nakayama, K. Predicting actions from subtle preparatory movements. Cognition 168, 65-75, 2017 download pdf file

190 Xia, Y., Manassi, M., Nakayama, K., Zipser, K., & Whitney, D. (2020). Visual crowding in driving. Journal of vision20(6), 1-17. download pdf file

191 McMahon, E., Kim, D., Mehr, S. A., Nakayama, K., Spelke, E. S., & Vaziri-Pashkam, M. (2021). The ability to predict actions of others from distributed cues is still developing in 6-to 8-year-old children. Journal of Vision21(5):14, 1-11. download pdf file

192 Nakayama, K. (2021). Coming of Age in Science: Just Look?. Annual Review of Vision Science7, 1-17. download pdf file

193 Menceloglu, M., Nakayama, K., & Song, J. H. (2022). Radial Bias Alters Perceived Object Orientation. Psychological Science33(12), 2098-2108. download pdf file

194 Menceloglu, M., Nakayama, K., & Song, J. H. (2023). Radial bias alters high-level motion perception. Vision Research209, 108246. download pdf file

195 Nakayama, K., Moher, J., & Song, J. H. (2023). Rethinking vision and action. Annual Review of Psychology74, 59-86. download pdf file

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