If you're at this page, you've probably seen a jillion other sites already. Given the following sites, how would you rate me as a webmaster? Please give these links a quick glance and thumb a few pages within them, if applicable. I've been challenged slightly on my level of work. I feel that these are representative of my abilities...base your opinion on:
Made on my quadra 605/24 w/ PS3
macrules.com/users/Wintel_Blows/ - i never finished it. and i really need to change it now since it's not what i think anymore (i've made my own dual cellie and installed linux on it) plus it's really old/crusty. in fact, the real version is at GeoCities (correct link)
www.geocities.com/soho/lofts/5730/frameset2.html - my first real homepage, revision 6. If you get lost, go to the Site Map! :)
If you do email, thank in advance. I'd really like to know this...and not for ego reasons, but practical ones. Maybe I should take a design class. Or maybe not rip down my personal homepages frequently, such that i don't have stable, loaded sites...