This is my private carpal space to say anything I want;
usually it's just comments on what I have read online

"Information for Stalkers"

2000: August

8/14, 0115. thanks a lot to one girl i know, i removed all the keys on my laptop and rubbed them all down with a bit o alcohol... so the lychee juice i spilled earlier, and all sorts of hair and dust are now yesterday's news! the 'v' key is still a bit sticky, but much better than it was. same with all other letters. they seem more.. responsive now. but many also sound funny too. still, i know more about my powerbook now. c'est la vie.

8/9, 1852. You have to leave this house. No shit.

8/8, 1803. what really annoys me is that anybody who is against Gore2000 now can be branded an "anti-semite" which is really dirty. but i guess this kind of stuff came up when kennedy ran, too. I think Cibo Mato is okay, from what i've heard so far.

8/6, 1619.
Berkeley Vietnam Veterans Memorial: click here.
New way to get the day's world news in pictures and text, bypassing commercials and selection (to an extent, of course). AP/Yahoo news photos daily from the planet. Go look.

8/5, 2029. Robert Fisk is one of Britain's top several journalists. A decades-long middle east expert, he wrote on Kosovo last year. A week ago he offered another view of the alleged Middle East peace talks at Camp David. Read his article here.

2000: July

july 2k- I don't view Gore/Bush as a choice. If he runs, I will vote for Buchanan -- at least he writes his own speeches. Nader has no stand on foreign policy so why should I vote for him? But he's totally better than Gore/Bush. So I'm glad he's running too. Buchanan is not perfect, but to me he is the best choice. The cream of the crud? And if Natalie Portman ran, that would be even better, wouldn't it. I would like a proportional party system, not a two-party system. I would like to see an end to economic sanctions and aircraft bombing on Iraq and Serbia because these have been ineffective in everything except hurting the common person, which is pointless and evil. Seriously, I hope Gore wins, so when the economy is over its head in sewage in a few years, the GOP doesn't catch all blame like '92. we'll just have to see how the democratic convention goes....

7/31, 0013. upgraded the Computers page, and titled it such.

7/30, 2232. And you thought you had it tough? Read and see Angola. The article is strangely heartwarming, in a bittersweet way. Then again, I can think about Colombia, Iraq, Lebanon, and the area in which Kurds subsist too. Everywhere besides the US and EU seemingly, but here also. Human desires, are ours really unlimited?
InterPlaNet (IPN) making a solar internet sounds novel, yet useless and obviously 20 years away. Maybe you could get shitty realaudio files across space to and from mars/earth though.
I want to hate the French, for causing WWII with Versailles, for colonizing the world, and for being so prideful with respect to Russia just because it is EU's head for a few more months. But every at once great power has been imperial, right? Our poodles Britain and Japan for instance.
In a sad error today around noon, I mistakenly insta-gibbed a thick and dirty metal wire a quarter inch up under my left thumbnail. It hurts!!! In the beginning it was red, and now is is a vague chartreuse but also white in the middle. I assume that's pus, and I'm hoping that it won't infect, just as BT is praying feverishly tonight for it to fester.
I wonder when East Asia and East Europe will ever get back on their feet.

7/29, 2233. "new content" now in plain sight. minor updates to ocf/~bip, ocf/~liminal, I have a ton of homework due next two weeks!
Friday afternoon I met and talked with a woman with roots in Vojvodina, at her place in Berkeley. We are going to work together on Serbia's refugee situation from now on.
I realized after watching a special that Okinawa has suffered a lot. Like many places around the world.
I registered as peace & freedom party in early june 1999 at a rally in the city, but I will register as independent (no affiliation) now because a lot of the PF platform makes no sense. eg, get rid of the military! what a great thought -- the last time that happened, the british burned the east coast. so, i'll be indie from now on... until we get proportional representation anyway.

7/28, 0739. dreading republican rule. and i bet you guys still haven't found my new content.

7/23, 1402. The idiots across the street stumbled onto an Eminem cd and rammed it into a Ford Expedition. So it's loud out there in the urban jungle today.

7/16, 1456. Barry McCafrey Sucks. Can't believe I spent $10 for food last week: 4.60 Vietnamese Pho dinner (plate of noodles, bean sprouts, shrimp), $3.50 bag of mothers cookies (pink/white, fake dry choco etc lasted 2-3 days for dinner), $1.75 cheese pizza at fatslice (cookies from cal convenience). That is my diet.
I have two neat recipes which are at least on par with green ketchup, and which I'd like to contest with someday: cherry jello pie, and throwup jello (green/orange + cottage cheese). good stuff!
webwork: I updated all sites except ASA all week. I am a web master. thus, my wrists are my most important asset. Freenet looks worthwhile.
I don't work anymore -- too busy with web and school. Fuck McCafrey.
Sex and death are crude facts of life.

7/8, 1220 PDT. I watched Shawshank Redemption yesterday, and it was good. Yesterday I added some new stuff to I would have to say that Montenegro is probably Europe's next civil war (if someone asked) and this year, I'll exercise my right not to vote for US President. I'm way behind in summer school already.

7/2, 7:21pm. new feature. 7/1, 0108.

2000: June

6/28, 1538. In case it matters i'm currently reading several books.
~ A Republic, not an Empire
~ Death and Afterlife in world religions
~ Anna karenina
~ Struggle - a collection of stories by east european writers
I'm going camping in middle of August.

6/27, 2231. I did a ton of excess driving today. what a waste of my life.

6/26, 2338. I played a bunch of computer games on the weekend for two hours, that i downloaded friday. bugdom and weekend warrior were my favorites. if I buy someone, anyone, a birthday present, that is pretty exceptional. summer: ocf, web, work, two classes, camping, jogging, routines. reading on bart. sleeping relatively earlier.

6/20, 2100. JAG was interesting tonight, a dumb us pilot shot at "serbs" who turned out to be russian peacekeepers. windows/ms is really crumby, you can spend hours "fixing" it.

6/19, 2318. I really like jogging, it's so fun in the late evening. satellite is really neat, and thank god for icq.

6/14, 1739. Toyota Prius. "when you see one, you are gonna want one," that's what I think. More info. I think it's really cute and I love its relative efficiency. And so modern!
Different topic - it's hella hot around here since day before yesterday in the bay area. 100 in berkeley today earlier, and certainly that down in fremont.

6/13, 0036. I liked this page. It's really hot and muggy where I live, compared to Berkeley where I spend my daylight hours.

6/10, 0301. i am extremely tired. general so's chicken for lunch, very cheap but very good! i'm going back to the taiwan rr on mlk when i can. dinner: two donuts from dfc kp, choco/sprinkles and buttermilk/glazed, whee. upon a steak i'll have heart attack within a decade if this keeps up. everyone seems to love krispykream, i've only had it once and don't care much for sickening donuts, even 'good' ones. lotsa ocf stuff today, isn't it that way every day? is back, sort of. you can't access -- cough, dns -- it yet. i really like russian pop. favorites: irina saltikova, anjelica varum, blestyaschie, ruki vverh, svetlana lazareva, tatyana ovsienko, natalia vetlits'kaya, meladze. yay! maybe I just like pop.
ocf's new lab will need pets; plants are easy but live creatures are much more exciting. the lab needs to be badass, not clinical. so where do they sell gerbils? in a tube around the lab at monitor level. it'll complement all our flatscreens. or maybe a wheel for mice. squeak squeak!
installed win2k today on babybat, my pbg3, it runs okay, like a p90 however (on a 233).
books: am reading an antho of east european writers which is fun. also reading 'a republic, not an empire' by buchanan, and 'anna karenina' by tolstoy. add to that stratfor/etc plus mags and a book on Kosovo I am borrowing again. still trying to get a second job, still need to choose an upperdiv class to take :\ I like how I learn a lot by hanging around certain people.

6/8, 0259. I got to home bart at 1am and it was raining hard, though not as hard as the one April night when it gushed rivers down University Ave on the way to mcdonald's. today i had an italian cheesesteak and chilli cheesefries plus two donuts. sickening foods for around 9$ total. still have lots to do around here this summer, such as finally picking another upper div non-PS class to take, but nothing very fundamental or important in the longer term. what I'd rather be doing: interning in dc, visiting la/ny, working more hours, getting more done every day.

6/5, 2309. Yes I know and are down right now; it's not my server. Went to IKEA today, what fun? My uber boss returned from his vacation in Italy, while my real boss left for Hawaii. A third person, my sub-boss for next week, is a bald phb. Got a raise today :) Also got my dead babybat back today. have reinstalled the os and key data from drivesaver cdr's, but it's not the same.

6/3, 0002. I'm so very glad it's the weekend. My summer recently has been working as half of a campus MIS department. I love fixing windows pc's, don't you? I really miss K and almost cried the day she left, but I'm involving myself as much as I can in my paid MIS job, my forever unpaid volunteer OCF job, reading a book for pleasure for once in many months (Tolstoy), and pbs which I like to no end. (the short list; digital west; indie films.) plus summer school's coming up and i need to pick another class. Parking tickets suck, berkeley needs more housing, life is very short. there is no afterlife, no prelife, life is too short. I'm glad the hallfy's are having a child.

2000: May

5/27 at 0018. I really wish there was more time to spend with my friends who are graduating but we've had some good times. Goodbye Ray and Kristina! Good luck being "grownups." Me, I'm still a kid. I've been working not so much on This is fun; the authenticity of fakeness. As of today I am again an employee -- this time doing what I really like besides web stuff, which is user support and MIS. I need to pick out another summer class to take... I bought some newer MSI slotket boards to try out on Cellie. It's a dead time after the semester which I hate, esp with people gone, but now I have a mission so it's all good, almost. I'm such a stratfor whore! what is your definition of "being a grownup", is it being self-supporting and a mentality (acting) or more than that (or less)? I really really hope that the data recovery on my powerbook is much cheaper than $1400. I think a publications-wide website would be a great value to them. Keys, I need keys.

5/20 at 18:39. I added a page just about myself to the frontpage today. UC webpages: 1 - 2.

5/17 at 6:58pm. A tall Guinness and 2 1/2 shots of 80 proof vodka.

5/13 at 1:35pm. I turned in yet another polisci paper yesterday. Hoping it was okay.
I'm 21 years old this wednesday 5/17. Yayers ;)
have a stat20 final monday and a ps141c final thurs; I'm only worried about stat (haven't studied it much since the first midterm).

5/9 at 1:00am: So it seems I'm a joiner -- witness the butterfly. What is better than a free board? It's CDC's UBB. Both of these exist since tonight. I also finished watching Fifth Element today; thanks Ivan. Later in the evening I hoisted a wooden table to Heller with a bunch of other guys, and then spent several hours veging in the new 'fsm cafe' with K. Jason teases me a lot of course. I'm really stressing about a paper due Friday. Eminem is funny. I don't know if I will get out in two years straight. I'm really stupid!

2000: April

4/24/2000: Today is my last day with Netcom, which merged with IGC a couple years ago, then was bought by Mindspring, which has or has not merged with Earthlink. I have two huge papers due in a week.

4/20/2000: I hope xtcm nikole is doing okay, wouldn't know anymore. Yesterday, finished watching Deuce Bigelo, American Gigggelo.. a very nice movie. The matrix part was funny. The vice was cool in the end too. You've gotta see it!
Generally, only people who know me come to my site. Then there's Bryan T: who doesn't know me in real life. The crux of what draws him back eludes me. Insha allah, he will soon find a new hobby. Unless... checking up on me is an obsession? Heh. He seems to thrive on electronic shit talking. To Bryan: you're just mad because we toasted you. Don't be a sour grape :)

4/18/2000: I think about death a lot lately.
I plan to work this summer. It doesn't matter where.
Watching Peter play Counter-Strike is pure fun. It's all about the comments. And beat downs that go with them.
Why do some get off on making competition personal and then displaying this useless mental activity on their webpages?
Define hypocrisy.
These people need to do something real. IF, CD, TA4. Maybe it's because I have net4 not ie5, and keep the java off. The sites still lack an essential element though -- simplicity. ScreamDeign has foot in mouth disease for promoting this kind of BSE.
In the end though, my homepage sucks too, for it lacks substantive content. And yet, I value simplicity, which it achieves.

4/16/2000: Eight semesters of math and computer science. That makes two semesters. I wasted a year of my four years at college, on those. Not very smart.
Do you remember Chernobyl? If you were born in the late 1970s or very tip of the 1980s you probably do. Catholic Popes. Do you remember the one before John Paul II? Neither do I. Letter from America by Alistaire Cook. Enjoy also films by independent filmmakers at UCSD. The're awesome!
AIDS in Africa. World War in Africa. Multinational resource extraction companies in Africa. When will Africa reach 1990 levels of per capita income in the US -- 100 years from now? 500? In 500 years, the eastern "horn" of Africa will begin to more visibly tear from the African continent, on its journey to become a second Madagascar. The start of that process will flood much of the Great Rift river valley, down to Kenya and Uganda and all the great lakes. Other than South Africa and the "North" where will stability come from? Africa is mostly third world, but only relative to the industrialized countries. Colonialism precipitated the tragedy that is Africa. The World Bank is trying to help African (and other LDCs) develop. Until the borders of African States are redrawn between ethnocultural groups however, I don't see much process in democratization or development. Obviously I can't apply the experiences of East Europe or Latin America completely to African nations. It looks like poor African nations do have resources -- minerals, oil, people, desert. Stability in civil society is lacking as are food and water in many. What is the solution? More intervention or a hands-off approach? After the Cold War this area isn't strategically important to the U.S. or Russia. Trade is important for the growth of individual economies though, so wouldn't a further developed Africa benefit the industrialized nations and their corporations? This is getting nowhere, so I'll stop now.
Oh, I got somewhere, some hours later. Not really, but reading some user posts at the ANS readers' forum gives you some ideas that tv in its limited scope can't supply.
Anti-American hatred as psychological power worldwide. This analysis of Fidel Castro to say something about the geopolitical world left me feeling tingly. Stratfor is very good.

2325PDT, 000414. this week was counter-strike week. I've been thinking about death a lot, and how I think life is useless in the long-run, and why am I even going to school. OCF's new lab is all-consuming, but only for me.

0024PDT, 000413. mcd: double cheese burger, fries, sprite, all supersized. also two apple pies, i gave one to eugene. it rained when i went to mcdonalds, had no umbrella. it began sprinkling when we left eshelamn on lower sproul. the gush came when we were near the dailycal rack de wood next to LSA. by the time i got to mcdonald's i was soaked to the bone. ocf lab, can we open by May Day, I think so!! will we? probably not since I don't forsee us getting security lockdown, switches, or turn-on anytime soon. those are all we need, besides chair assembly, computer installation, and testing.

2144, 000408. I'm worried about what I'll do after graduation. It'll be tech- or IR-related though. Channel 26 on Saturdays at 9:30pm is freaky. McDonald's stories from another OCF account holder who worked there for two years. Almost as scary. I am glad I ate the last hostess cupcake we bought for OCF, since now I'll stop eating 4 to 6 per day. (we bought 6 boxes, 16 each, 96 total.)

2304PDT, 000403. I had 2200 calories worth of oreo cookies today. Not good. What else is there to say. The week before last I was gorging on 3-5 hostess cupcakes per day. Elaine tells me I'll "pay when I'm 26." That's 6 years away. When I came home today my laptop was really hot but the monitor was black and the computer didn't respond - until I rebooted it. Then I took a shower, came back, and here I am.
On the way home tonight on the bart train, at coliseum station tons of people got on. A game had ended. It's really so similar to the Roman Coliseum or Greek theater, isn't it. Boring shit, but it keeps boring masses of people occupied. I'm not saying I"m superior, but I'll be damned if I waste my life that way, buying A's clothes and going to games with all the other trashy people.
I took care of more TerFac stuff today - the 5k check is processed. The lab can wait two years, who cares.

2207PST, 000401 - Added a cooking page today. Web maintenance this past week: ocf/~asa, ocf/~bip, here,


2000: March

0037PST, 000331
Need I mention it, Features has been added. Not much that's new.

2059PST, 000330
More excitement from Kosovo, but this time NATO is decidedly pro-Serb. Hm. NATO Conducts Operation in Serbia. go read it!

2052PST, 000330
Awesome television: DigitalDivide c/o PBS.

1904PST, 000330
I think one international crisis which might be useful to Putin would be intervention in Kosovo, in line with the analysis linked from yesterday's news. However, I think the Russian general's comments are more hot air, and if they aren't, are only preparation. NMD should be much hotter.
On a social security/medicare note, part of today's "news" is that the money will run out in 2038 or so, three whole years later than calculated last year. Obviously this is because of baby boomer retirement hitting US society by that time. So why do we have SS/M in the first place? Great Depression induced New Deal measure from before WW2? And it's still in place from being a political third rail? SS pensions are good for after someone is 67, and is intended as a retirement supplement. What will happen in 2038 assuming the money runs out AND that comet misses Earth? more later...
Kurt Weill seems cool.

0959PST, 000329
If you visit my site regularly, please consider browsing it only on the 1st day of every month. Otherwise, I'm wasting your time.
Russia in catastrophe by Stratfor. This is very interesting -- a serious analysis of how new President Putin will likely lead the country.
OCF's new lab is nearly done construction-wise, for now. It's just that the project so far costs $130,000, we have $85,000, and it will eventually cost $165,000 total. Got funds? (email to donations@ocf)
It's spring break for me, this week. Meaning, schoolwork catch-up!

2215PST, 000324
Tonight was great!! I drove from Berkeley to Fremont during rush hour, changed clothes, then jetted off to San Mateo for the conference. It is only now that I am really remembering about what stole the front page today one year ago, the bombing of Yugoslavia. But let me get out some happy energy first!
I arrived late of course at 7:10pm, many minutes after Pat Buchanan spoke. He came down a short while later however, after speaking to local media. I got to talk to him and shake his hand, but I wish I'd thought of what to say before I got there. I made up some BS about how "some of us students at UCB really like what you are doing." Which isn't far from the truth, but I would rather have asked the question, "do you plan to run for President of the United States in the year 2008?" Because I think he may have a chance then, when the economy won't be running so hot in the U.S.

000310, 2312
You want the future? It is here. Care of Stratfor. One of my cousins gets married tomorrow. I'm working on Culture Night for Tomodachi, as well as the new Heller computer lab for the Open Computing Facility. CN is March 18 during the evening; Heller Lab will open in mid-April.


2000: February

000305, 2334pst
Please check OCFN for what I have been up to. I'm really webpage prolific lately. You just don't see it on my personal site. Who needs a diploma? and Tokyo dropouts may cause you some concern. Or amusement. (nytimes)

000301, 0046pst
When I update this page this week, it will be a fattening update. Soothe to say, quite a bit is available at my OCF NLCR update for "today" (technically yesterday since the time is 0150 now).

000224, 2152
I sat in front at PS127a lecture. It rained lightly today. I saw Sigi after class and that's all there is to say. :( Some 'staff' played TFC Xover. I got home around 1915. Do check teh OCF news page. Teh page, not the page.

000223, 2307
A nice analysis of the stupid Prop 22. This made up my mind, frankly. If I were to vote, I'd vote no.
Laser tag at Doe Library and memorial glade? Count me IN! (props to Isaacf)
I did away with the "splash page" which served no purpose since I don't have much to show as "professional" but everything to show as "personal." What if I ran for senate? RC5 dinner this Friday at the posh tower place! I still think OCF webmail is cool, glad we finally got it done. (mostly due to smcc, but also me and eek)

00.02.23, ~3am
Forging a New Japan

00.02.19 23:25 & 00.02.20 13:07
My favorite TV show right now is Love and Peace. It shows on channel 26 every Saturday between 7:00 and 7:40pm. If you don't understand Japanese, it is sub'd.

I've seen around campus people riding little scooter-like things with small poly/plastic wheels. These are popular in Japan too right now, so I wonder where else young people are using them.

My homepage needs a total rebuild. It is ugly and less than functional!

Between 9 and 1 tonight I was getting all hot and sweaty while straining to remove security plates from a Macintosh IIsi that I'm giving TLC to. After 20 min, I got off one plate from the machine's top cover. Next, I noticed little red blotches all over the case and looked at my hands. There were at leat 15 cuts that I could count. Ouch! Both top plates are off now and afte more gluegunk removal, a sanding and a washing, it will be ready to paint! I'm anxious about what to depict.

00.02.19, 1453
I don't know anyone who lives in Norton Hall, so please email me if you live there and visit this site. Today I'm trying to get my pc to work under windows -- I bought a maxtor 10.2gb specifically for this task. Please check NewLab for project construction info.

00.02.17, 1919
VERY FEW THINGS excite me more than reading a positive Forbes article on Japan. Stratfor analyzes Japan's proposal to patrol the Strait of Malacca b/t Malaysia and Indonesia. For all you non-Asian men out there, learn. Also read about Japan's first female governor. I'm worried about Japan's economic situation. Does anyone think the Tokyo tax plan will work?

00.02.16, 0259
I went to bed at 430am yesterday, and probably today I will repeat the feat. Meetings are the opposite of work but can be fun. I'm still prepping some webworks for primetime, and still don't know why! Thankfully there is only one person lame enough to try finding out what it is. Kyo wa omoshiroi yorugohan ga arimashita!... amai yam to sakana to gohan to ocha. I like tea a lot! I cut my middle finger yesterday by scraping it between a seat cushion and metal seat frame in DECF. Kono ie wa totemo chumetai desu!! I got a letter from my aunt in Japan a few days ago containing pictures of the house in early Feb... there was snow all over *everything*. My house in California has a concrete floor and central heating in the roof, which sucks.

00.02.12, 0341
Isaac is part of my ring of Asian connections. I need to visit Hong Kong and some other places someday! Regarding Austria, what do you think of the EU's apparent silliness? has an opinion on this matter too. Happy birthday, Jeff! Outback tonight was cool, but where I had even more fun was my ps127a discussion today -- it was awesome! :) Last week was a total waste of time, no more of that from now on! So I'm not going to be around OCF anymore. I've been thinking about and occasionally working on a new section for this website. HP no mae no shashin wa boku ja nai, kedo sono shto wa sukidesu. Boku wa hen chaozo..! Ima benkyo motto shitai.. I got home late on bart tonight, home at 1:20a or so. bye for now, stay well!

00.02.09, 22:22
Jeff updated his website! Go check it out. Since yesterday my homepage has been blue. Shinohara's homepage has been updated too -- since yesterday! I'm behind in classes, it's bad!! Have caught up with email though, almost. And I added descriptive text to the links on my personal page. I spend too much time at OCF; this week I played TFC which is really stupid. Quite addictive, however. Last week I was burning out on the OCF jobs fair; next week we actually for the first time in five months will begin creating the physical aspects of OCF's new 24-hour lab! Go see the OCF homepage for info on it. I have been listening to my Japanese CD's in the car a lot lately. Well, time to study!

00.02.06, 22:21.
I've made my homepage pink. I like how I'm doing homework daily now. It feels good.

00.02.04, 23:22.
after eating Cafe Durant wid jeff and steve circa 6pm we split and i walked to Doe. it was closed. i sat under the campanile for a while. it wouldn't rain. then i walked to heller and read IL for a little bit. then, at 8 I waited for a campus shuttle and one finally came. i barted home, sleeping much of the time. it was good to get home by around 9, though.

2000.02.02, 23:48pst. make sure to check the OCF News Page since I have been commenting in it a lot! so busy today, so many missed classes..


2000: January

2000.01.26, 00:35pst. I'm bothered by the fact that people I don't even know look at my homepage. Of course they are rc5 freaks from some other team, but eh. For you and others, reading OCF's main news page would be much more...fruitful. Met someone on bart going home who i haven't seen in months. and here is a notice about Japan's future.

2000.01.17, 14:34PST.. Shinoharachan wa HP no nikki ni saishinjiyuuhou o kakimashita :) Kyou wa, okaasan ni pasacon to denshi meiru o oshietekudasatta. Chotto kowai, ne..! ;) Make sure to check out Devin's rumblings about our co-stewardship of OCF.

2000.01.16, 16:26PST. CDDB finally added my submission. :))

2000.01.16, 01:12PST. I installed Japanese Language Kit on my PowerBook today so I'm really happy. It's quite fun. I also tried out MSIE4.5 which crashed within 10 minutes -- it hung my mac really bad. At least I can delete IE though, some people can't do that. I also deleted tons of garbage from my old Quadra 605 so there are gobs and gobs of space open now. Ima wa ame ga hutteru...

2000.01.15, 01:43PST. A fun read: A soldier's story. I think the next war, er counter-narcotics intervention over the years, will be in Colombia. But when you read the above story, don't believe it. Believe what your parents, your newspaper and TV, and the President tell you. Sleep well. It's not like you can do anything about other people's problems anyway. And our two political parties matter.

2000.01.12, 05:58 PT. Grades: A C- in the class I worked hardest for -- spanish -- and a C+ in the class I worked the least for -- philosophy. GPA is now 2.4x. Isn't that ironic?

2000.01.10. Some smart and stupid thoughts. I've started the internationalization of OCF's website. See my first efforts at intl/. Also wrote a short wish list which will probably disappear some hour soon. CTC is now public. I wasted a lot of time today on campus doing OCF slavework.

2000.01.06, Back From Japan!! I really liked staying with my relatives in Japan. This was my fourth trip to Japan. Even 15 days of immersion really helped!! Nihhon ni sumitai. I can speak better now, perapera. People eat out a lot, or maybe it's because I came to Japan for the first time in over 10 years.. Shinohara Tomoe wa totemo daisuki! Kanojo wa kawaii to sugoku omoshiroii. Wakuwaku!! My cd collection has increased by 900%. Shinora, Speed, Ayumi, Ohguro. Brought lots of omiage home, including a few rolls of film, creatively labelled A through M!! Hehe... tanoshimi ne, kono natsu. I'd really like to make a website about my trip. Mostly Osaka area, with visits to Kyoto and Kobe. I wish I was still in Japan, I liked everything there. I mailed out a load of postcards so if you didn't get one I probably don't have your address. =ken signing off...

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