Flower's Home Page
Hello welcome to my homepage.
I am 14 years old. I go to a small high school, Anderson High School. School is a big part of my life. I play flute in the school band. My hope in life is to become someone special. Hey, what am I saying? I am special! Anyways, at the high school I am taking French, band,and the normal junk like drivers ed, English, algebra, and science. I would like to become a famous Flute player because I think I am good. Most of my friends are like me (abnormal). My friends are pretty cool, if I do say so myself.
I have my great family who I dedicate my life to and two cats that I adore. I also have two pain in the butt goldfish. They're alright. I have two beautiful sisters that I love dearly and a great mom and dad. They support us and actully trust us (it is my only freedom).
If you want to send me any pictures or drawings or a plain e-mail send it to darnidiot@hotmail.com.
You may be are wondering how I came up with that name. I was filling out the form when they told me they already have a flower and I asked my sister what would happen if I put in darnidiot. So that's what I did and I didn't feel like changing it because it is different.