JAGNES is a print publication open to manuscripts of high quality on any aspect of
ancient or modern Near Eastern studies. Manuscripts (articles or book reviews) must be
written and submitted by graduate students, from any university, domestic or abroad.
Our goal is to present cutting-edge research in the sub-discplines of the field of Near
Eastern Studies and related fields, typically formulated in context of graduate seminars.
If you are interested in submitting a manuscript or book review to JAGNES, please follow
the basic outlines for formatting below.
Guidelines for Manuscript Contributions
PLEASE NOTE: all submissions must adhere to these guidelines. Any submitted articles that do
not will be returned to the author without review and will not be accepted until the
appropriate changes are made.
Abstract: all submissions must include a 150-word abstract.
Length: 20-25 pages of text (this does not include the bibliography, endnotes, illustrations,
or charts).
Fonts and Margins: Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced with 1" margins. If a special font package
is used, for example 'Jaghbub' for Arabic, please include a copy of this font package with your
Transliteration: the generally-accepted transliteration guidelines that have
been put forth for your sub-discipline should be used. However, well known nouns and place names
(such as Allah, Baghdad, or Qu'ran), require no special transliteration markers.
Citation: In-line citation should be used whenever possible. Endnotes (not footnotes)
are accepted. In referencing sources (in endnotes or in the bibliography), all
articles should follow the style generally set by each sub-discipline.
Illustrations:high quality prints or digital images (B/W, 300dpi or higher,
.jpg or .gif format) will be accepted. All illustrations, charts, or photographs must include
captions and sources. All permissions for use of images should be made in advance by the author.
A maximum of 10 illustrations (images, charts, tables) will be accepted.
Receipt and Evaluation of Manuscripts
Manuscripts or book reviews submitted by mail or electronically to JAGNES will be
acknowledged upon their receipt. All submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment
in MS Word format, or on a floppy disk along with a hard copy. If your article uses
non-standard programming or fonts, definitely send a hard copy and disk/CD to the address
below. Please note whether you are using a PC or Mac, so that the document can be properly
All papers will be evaluated by the Editorial Board at the beginning of each
semester (January and August), and will be given equal consideration. Papers chosen for
publication will then go through a peer-review editing process and be assigned to an
upcoming issue.
Upon completion of editing, a MS Word version (PC or Mac) will be e-mailed
to the author for implementation of the editorial suggestions. The author will then return
the manuscript either on a non-returnable CD or via email to the editors by the stated deadline.
The author will receive PDF proofs prior to a final publication. The turnaround for each stage
(review/acceptance, JAGNES editing, author revision, proofs/publication) will be based on
firm one-month deadlines.
Submission of Manuscripts
All correspondence, including manuscript and disks, should be sent to:
Editors-in-Chief, JAGNES
Department of Near Eastern Studies
250 Barrows Hall #1940
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1940