Cardiac Setup :-)

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Diagram of Cardiac Case Setup

Equipment/Supplies for Cardiac Cases

  1. Alaris Brain x2
  2. Alaris Modules x8
  3. Alaris Tubing x7
  4. Anesthesia Drug sheet
  5. Level 1 (Made with NormalSol)**
  6. Glidescope**
  7. TEE Machine
  8. Vascular Ultrasound + Probe cover x2 + gel x2
  9. Cerebral Oximeter x2
  10. Continuous Cardiac Output (CCO)**
  11. 8.0 (male) or 7.0 (female) ETT, Stylet, 10 cc syringe, oral airway, MAC 3 blade, Miller 2 blade, blade handle
  12. 7 French Triple Lumen CVC, 9 French Cordis CVC (PSI), Arterial Line Kit, 2 Biopatches, 3 flushes & 4 blue handle
  13. Sedline (EEG)
Invasive Pressure Lines
  1. ART/CVP
  2. PA
  3. CVP Drip
  4. ABG Syringes
IV Lines
  1. Blood Pump x2 (made with 1000mL Normalsol)