Level 1 - Rapid Fluid Infuser/ Belmont Rapid Infuser

This device is used to rapidly infuse blood into the patient. Used during Truama Cases where lots of blood loss is expected (Shock). It mixes blood and Normal Saline (NaCl) together, then warms it up so it can be delivered to the patient via IV

Key difference between a Level 1 & a Belmont
* Level 1 has no battery and therefore needs to be plugged in
* Level 1 has no reservior and needs to be replenish with new bags of blood & saline once used
* Belmont has a battery and therefore can be used when unplugged
* Belmont has a reservior which means that fluid can be delivered at a later time rather then immediately like the Level 1; Furthermore, a variety of products can be given easily via the resevior
Manufacturer's Product Video
Clinical Application of Device
ASATT Specific Knowledge(Theory)
Stanford Specific Knowledge (Practice)