The below map uses data on Chicago affordable housing developments from the city’s Open Data Portal. To build the map, I differentiated housing projects into 4 categories: multifamily, senior, supportive or other. These are respectively represented by red, blue, green, and gray markers.
What types of affordable housing developments are located where?
The spatial pattern most apparent to me is the high concentration of multi-family affordable housing in the West and South Sides of Chicago, with a smaller cluster in the north lakefront neighborhood of Uptown. By contrast, senior housing is a bit more evenly spread throughout the city, such as in the farther Northwest sides of the city. I’d assume because it’s politically and socially deemed more acceptable to have senior housing nearby, and therefore, there are less NIMBY opponents to its construction. Supportive housing developments seem to also be somewhat clustered in areas with higher multifamily concentration, save for a small cluster in the Far South side.