Minimal Nonorientable Pseudomanifolds

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The Question
Consider the set of all non-orientable \(n\)-dimensional pseudomanifolds. Let \(X = \cup_i X^i\), \(X^0 \subset X^1 \subset X^2 \subset \cdot\cdot\cdot\) be an element from this set, with \(X^i\) describing the \(i\)-th dimensional skeleton of the CW-complex structure. Similarly, let \(Y = \cup_i Y^i\), \(Y^0 \subset Y^1 \subset Y^2 \subset \cdot \cdot\cdot\) be another element of this set. Let \(|X^i|\) denote the number of \(i\)-cells that were attached to \(X^{i-1}\) to form \(|X^i|\), and define \(|Y^i|\) similarly. Denote by \(k\) the largest integer such that \(|X^k| \neq |Y^k|\). Let \(X < Y\) if \(|X^k| < |Y^k|\), this defines a poset structure on our set of non-orientable \(n\)-dimensional pseudomanifolds.

Real Projective Plane
The Real Projective Plane (\(RP^2\)) in its canonical CW-complex form (1 0-cell, 1 1-cell, and 1 2-cell that is wrapped around the 1-cell twice I think) is not actually a pseudomanifold, because the 2-cell's boundary is not homeomorphically mapped onto the 1-cell. (Also more trivially, pseudomanifold requires each 1-cell to be the boundary of exactly 2 2-cells) Can we give the real projective plane an appropriate pseudomanifold CW-structure?

Are we asking the right question here? Perhaps we shouldn't be defining the partial order based on the CW-complex structure given, but rather something more 'innate' that defines a manifolds complexity.... it seems like even the 'minimal number of Euclidean dimensions needed to embed object' is a better measure for complexity and makes more sense

Find an appropriate CW-structure for the Klein Bottle
That makes it a pseudomanifold. If I think about it; obviously if I triangulate the surface with really small triangles it will work, but that's not the smartest way to go about it probably. There's definitely an easy CW-structure I can give it.

Solution 1
Just start with the square (with opposite edges identified, one parallel one antiparallel) and chuck a smaller square inside the square, extend all the edges so they wrap around. This divids the square into \(4\) 2-cells, and it all works out. Beautiful pseudomanifold.

Triangulatable Manifolds
What is the relationship between triangulatable manifolds and pseudomanifolds? Where do they fit in?

2 dimensional Nonorientable manifolds cant be embedded in 3 dimensions
Find proof of this.

Are we asking the right question? Do we really actually care about pseudomanifolds; or should we be thinking about real manifolds here?

Somehow; it works like this in my head. Any 2-manifold; if embedded into 3-dimensions, has to split it into two regions by some application of Jordan Brouwer. Then that means that it encloses a '2 dimensional' hole, and so its top homology group is infinite cyclic, and it must be oriented. Extend this proof?

Somehow you'd have to prove that every embedded manifold into 3 dimensions is homeomorphic to a sphere? Is this even true?

How many?
How many distinct surfaces can you get by pasting a 2-cell onto a circle?