About Me.
Random number: 56
I'm currently a junior (class of 2020) attending UC Berkeley right now. I'm interested in Mathematics and Physics. My hobbies include playing the piano and learning french; neither of which I am very good at yet but both of which are incredibly fun.
Classes I've taken/I'm taking (click me):
Fall 2016
Classics 36: Greek Philosophy
English R1A: Reading and Composition
English 117B: Shakespeare
Integrated Biology 35AC: Human Biological Variation
Mathematics 53: Multivariable Calculus
Spring 2017
English R1B: Reading and Composition
Mathematics 55: Discrete Mathematics
Mathematics 98BC: Berkeley Connect
Mathematics 110: Linear Algebra
Mathematics H113: Honours Abstract Algebra
Physics 5A: Introductory Mechanics and Relativity
Summer 2017
Mathematics 104: Real Analysis
Mathematics 185: Complex Analysis
Physics 137A: Quantum Physics
Fall 2017
Physics 5B: Introductory Electromagnetism, Waves, and Optics
Physics 5BL: Introductory Electromagnetism, Waves, and Optics Lab
Physics 112: Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics
Physics 137B: Quantum Mechanics II
Math 202A: Introduction to Topology and Analysis
Spring 2018
Physics 5C: Introductory Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics
Physics 5CL: Introduction to Experimental Physics II
Physics 105: Analytic Mechanics
Physics 110A: Electromagnetism and Optics
Physics 139: Special Relativity and General Relativity
Math 126: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
Fall 2018
French 1: Elementary French, first semester
Physics 111A: Instumentation Laboratory
Math 143: Elementary Algebraic Geometry
Math 261A: Lie Groups
Spring 2019
French 2: Elementary French, second semester
Linguistics 100: Introduction to Linguistic Science
Physics 111B: Instrumentation Laboratory
Math 135: Introduction to the Theory of Sets
Math 191: Topology/Geometry seminar (knot and 3-manifold theory)
Compsci 274: Computational Geometry
Things I'm doing:
- Doing research with Benjamin Nachman at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in High Energy Physics phenomenology. Specifically, I am investigating how Machine Learning techniques can be applied to problems in HEP such as classification of certain Higgs decays, or how generative models can help with analysis of data.
- My first presentation can be found here.
- My second presentation can be found here.
- A poster I made for a poster session can be found here.
- Our first paper (published by JHEP) was posted onto arxiv here.
- Our second paper was posted onto arxiv here.
Things I've done:
(Before College) - Represented Australia at the 2015 Asian Physics Olympiad Competition (winning Silver) and the 2015 International Physics Olympiad Competition (winning Bronze)
(Before College) - Taught for half a year as a Physics/Mathematics tutor at C3 Education (Sydney, Australia). Also taught for a year as a Physics Olympiad teacher at my high school James Ruse in Sydney, Australia.
(Fall 2016) - Participated in the 2016 CSUA hackathon and the 2016 Cal Hackathon.
(Spring 2017) - Did an algebraic topology reading course with UC Berkeley graduate student Kyle Miller on the textbook A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology by Massey. (The first section of which comes from Massey's Algebraic Topology: An Introduction, and the second section of which comes from Massey's Singular Homology Theory).
(Spring 2017) - Did research with Professor Carlo Sequin on Modelling Geometrical Sculptures (specifically focusing on sculptures by Max Bill, Charles Perry, or Eva Hild) by focusing on topological aspects of the sculptures such as its orientability and borders.
(Fall 2017) - Volunteered at the 'Day in the life of a STEM undergrad' event (hosted by the Society of Physics students at Berkeley). I was a panellist, and helped answer the questions of aspiring high school STEM majors from the local area.
(Fall 2017) - Participated in the 2017 Cal Hacks.
(Fall 2017) - Volunteered as part of the Mathematics Undergraduate Student Association at Berkeley for the Bay Area Science Festival. At the event, we demonstrated to young students around the Bay Area some interesting mathematics; for instance topology/geometry disguised in the form of origami, string games, and pen and paper games.
- (Fall 2017) - Volunteered as a DSP Note-taker for Physics 112: Introduction to Statistical and Thermal Physics. My notes are also uploaded here.
- (Spring 2018) - Volunteered at CAL Day as part of MUSA, to talk to the general public about interest in Math.
- (Spring 2018) - Grader for the Math H185 : Honors Complex Analysis class taught by Professor Hadfield.
- (Spring 2018) - Doing a directed reading program with UC Berkeley graduate student Andrew Aikawa on the textbook Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics.
- (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018) - Officer for the Mathematics Undergraduate Student Association club at UC Berkeley. For the first semester, I was a Recreational Math Officer, and for the second semester I was an outreach officer.
- (Fall 2018) - Volunteered at the 2018 Bay Area Science Festival with the Math Undergraduate Student Association from UC Berkeley. We held an activity about origami (cut-and-fold theorems) for the middle school students; and talked to high school students thinking about applying for UC Berkeley.
- (Fall 2018) - Participated in the 2018 Cal Hacks.
- (Fall 2018) - Gave a talk to the Society of Physics Students at Berkeley about Chaos, Random Matrix Theory and Quantum Billiards as a part of the Undergraduate Seminar Series.
- (Fall 2018) - Graded for the Physics 137A : Quantum Mechanics class taught by Professor Siddiqi.
- (Fall 2018) - Did a Directed Reading Program in TQFT's, K-Theory, and Operads with Kiran Luecke, a graduate student at UC Berkeley. Gave a talk on Operads and the Recognition Principle at the end of the semester.