I do historical work centering around Gottlob Frege and his philosophical contemporaries, and non-historical work centering around values and norms connected with truth.
The two parts are connected, because what I like best about Frege and other figures in his historical period is their treatment of the values and norms connected with truth.
Here is a description of how this work is going.
Here are some published papers about Frege:
- “Frege on the Generality of Logical Laws” is about what Frege thinks logic is.
- “Frege’s Critical Arguments for Axioms” is about how Frege thinks we can be justified in accepting logical axioms.
- “The Centrality of Simplicity in Frege’s Philosophy” is about Frege’s philosophy of science.
- “Metaphysical Separatism and Epistemological Autonomy in Frege’s Philosophy” is about Frege’s attitude toward metaphysics.
I also wrote for an “Author Meets Critics” thing about Charles Travis’ book on Frege, which should come out soon.
About other topics, I have papers under review about metaethics, the philosophy of logic, and truth, and an “Author Meets Critics” thing about Gila Sher’s views on the value of truth which should come out soon. “Why Can’t What Is True Be Valuable?” is about the value of truth.