While at Stern Grove I decided to interview the people sitting in front, to the left and right, and behind me. This task was made easier by the fact that to my right was a large redwood tree. This effectively cut the number of groups I had to interview by 25 percent.
The Lee Family (Located in Front)
The Lee family is a family of four. Mr. and Mrs. Lee have two children. Their son, Jason, is 9 and their daughter Sarah is 6. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are frequent visitors to Stern Grove and they try to catch two or three concerts each summer. It isn't that difficult for them to meet this goal since they live within the City of San Francisco. This time they decided to come to Stern Grove with their friends, the Chang family, who were located behind us. They attended this particular performance since they are fans of jazz and it was a weekend that both they and the Chang family had free. They seemed to enjoy it and their children were well behaved. I don't know if the kids were having fun or not, but they didn't seem bored.
The Chang Family and Mrs. Kuo (Located Behind)
Mr. and Mrs. Chang brought their daughter Alice, about 12, and their family friend, Mrs. Kuo. The Changs have been to Stern Grove before, several times with Lee Family, but other times without. They live south of San Francisco on the Peninsula, and Mrs. Kuo and her family live nearby. They too are fans of music and Alice plays the flute. This was the first time that Mrs. Kuo had been to Stern Grove. Her husband was out of town on business, so this trip was along the lines of "Well, I don't have anything better to do and this is free." Once I had finished talking to the families in front and behind me they realized that I could be useful. They asked me several times to pass food and supplies between the two picnic areas. Mrs. Kuo seemed the least interested in the concert, Alice seemed mildly amused, and Mr. and Mrs. Chang were in the positive category.
Michael and Ellen (Located to the Left)
Ellen saw an ad for the Stern Grove Music Festival in the San Francisco Chronicle. She thought it would be interesting to see what the concert was like. Mike agreed. They live in the El Cerrito area. They both seemed less interested in the concert and more interested in each other. At least they had fun.
The Tree (Located to the Right)
My friend and I discussed what type of tree was next to us. It was some type of redwood tree, but due to our lack of tree knowledge we were not able to narrow it down much. A costal redwood would be a good guess, since it got plenty of fog. The tree had no comment.