SimpleScalar PowerPC (parallel multicore edition) download page

This simulator can be used as a concrete example so that its multicore parallelization methodology may be readily applied to other simulators. As a stand-alone PowerPC simulation package, it also has many improvements over the original SimpleScalar PowerPC simulator from UT Austin. Hover your mouse over the various items for more details.

This software and all accompanying files are distributed "as is". It is not a time-tested infrastructure worked on for years by dozens of graduate students such as M5 or GEMS. What this is, is a rapidly developed project by one graduate student. There are a few conceivable reasons why this infrastructure may be of use to you: full-system simulators may be too bloated, your research could be tied to the PowerPC ISA, or you might already be familiar with and have written code for other versions of the SimpleScalar tool set.

If you do decide to use this infrastructure as a basis for your research, please include citations to the first or both of the following papers in your references:

To download the simulator source (latest version: May 9, 2007), please fill out your name and email address. After you have downloaded and gunzipped+untarred the archive, find README.multicore for an overview and brief instructions.

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Email address (optional):

Is this for noncommercial use only?


Distribution under an open-source license has the added benefit of allowing outside users to contribute. Any assistance would be appreciated in development of the following features:

* If you are interested in developing any of these items, I have source code from other simulators such as SimpleScalar Alpha that could be helpful.
** At one time I was working on these particular capabilities, but I eventually gave up. I can provide my unfinished works in progress upon request.

You may contact me at the address shown below.

Last updated May 9, 2007 by

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