Here are glitches that don't go in any other category.
Amazing ManThere are four versions of
amazing man.
1. Go to Celadon City. Go to the left to Cycling
Road without your bike. You can deposit it into your pc. Anyway, go
inside the building, and keep going across. When the lady talks to
you, you should walk up to her. When you do, a man should appear in
the wall above her.

2. Go to Cinnabar
Island. This only works before you get the key to unlock the gym.
Surf on the half land/half water on the right side of the island.
When you are right below the gym, go to the left. Keep walking to
the left until the thing pops up that says the gyms locked. A man
should appear above the roof.

VARIATIONS: The man could appear in four different spots,
depending on where you land from the water. If you land right
infront of the gym, he will appear where he is in the picture. If
you land 1 space below the gym, then walk along the coast to the
gym, and then infront of the door, He will appear one space lower
from the picture. Land 2 spaces away from the gym, walk
along the coast, and then when you reach the gym walk infront of the
door, and he will be two spaces lower from the picture, and then
three space away from the base of the gym, walk along the coast, go
infront of the door, and will be 3 spaces lower than the
3. Go to Cerulean to the Nugget Bridge. Make it so the
first trainer is off the screen, but if you go up one space, he will
be there. Now go up the one space while holding start.
When the start menu pops up......

4. This works
only when you haven delivered oaks parcel. Have the parcel with out.
Now go into Viridians PokeMart, but dont talk to the clerk. Go
infront of the clerk, though. Look at the lowest man in the
building. As soon as he walks all the way to the bottom of the
building, press A so you talk to the clerk.
Get on
cycling road without a bikeTo do this, go to Celadon City,
and walk to Cycling Road. Make sure you dont have your bike with
you. Go into the building, and walk to the left along the top edge.
Go to the left, and keep pressing B and the left button. Even when
the lady is talking to you.

Road GlitchGo to where I am in this photo.

Now ride
down a little bit, and ride back up. There should be water there
Secret Attack Make sure you have Max Ether/Ether and PP
Now, have a ditto with you. Make sure it is at the top of your
pokemon party thing. Go to Cerulean, and walk up above the Nugget
Bridge. Now go all the way to the left, and go down into the grassy
area over there. Wait until you face a Pidgey. Now use Transform.
When its your turn again, press Select on the last move, and select
on the first move. Now either kill the pidgey or run, I dont
remember. Now use your PP Up on Ditto's first move, called
Cooltrainer. Then use Ether/Max Ether on it. Now get in a battle,
and use it.

past Ghost in Pokemon Tower with out Silph ScopeReally, all
you have to do it use a Pokedoll on it, and it runs away.

PCGo to Celadon, and go to inside the mansion.

Go all the way
to the right hand side corner, above the plant. Go up one, and press
A. It will act like a computers there.
PokeballThere are two ways of doing this.
Go to Celadon
Game Corner, to this guy.

Battle him
and beat him. Now go to him, on the SAME SIDE as you are in the
picture, and talk to him.

You can
barely see it, but you are on a pokeball.
2. The second one, you
have to still be in the game corner, but this time, go BEHIND
Giovanni. Battle him, and beat him, once he leaves, you are on top
of a pokeball that contains the Silph Scope.
Stand on
TreeGo to any cut downable tree, and cut it down. Go to
where the tree was, and save the game. Now turn it off and back on
again, and now you are standing on that tree.

Dungeon: Walk on walls.I'm not going to into description on
this one, for they are hard to explain. So I will just show you the

Go to the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City and
find the woman who says that the slot machines have different odds.
Stand in front of the slot machine directly above her,

and keep an eye on the
upper most guy on the right side of the screen. Now, press A. When
it asks if you want to play the slot machine, say yes

. That guy will vanish
into thin air!
Keep doing it a bunch
of times, and he, and you, will disappear. Along with the middle
pokeball and a pokedex.
Turn Spearow into
a Ditto
First, have a ditto in your first position and face a
wild spearow. Now use transform.
Now hope that the
Spearow uses Mirror Move. (i have different Hp's because i had to
battle more than once to make the Spearow use Mirror Move)

Now catch it. (you
may have to use Mirror Move again before you try to catch it, I'm
not sure. It wouldnt hurt to try.) Now catch the pokemon. I will say
that ditto was caught, not spearow. 
Walk a little
with a Fainted Pokemon
First off, have one pokemon what has
fainted, and one that isn't.
Now deposit the undead
pokemon into the PC. 
Now cancel out of the
PC. Press start, then click on Pokemon. 
You can walk about 3
steps until you black out. 
Turn a HM into a
TM, sorta
Use an HM on a pokemon. It will say, use TM on
which pokemon? 

See ghost without
Silph Scope
Go to Pokemon Tower in Lavender. Face a ghost
Now go
to PkMn, a select a pokemon. Dont click on switch though, click on

Now go back to the
battle screen, and you can see the pokemon that was the ghost. 
only have one so far, but here it is. It says feat instead of feet.
Man on Stairs.
First, go to Pewter City. Then go into
the Museum. Go to the second floor, and go to the left. You should
see a man moving around. Block his way so he must go to the right.
After a while,
PokemonThis glitch requires 2 Pokémon games, 2 Game
Boys, and 1 Game Link. In one version needs to be a Pokémon that
they don't care about, and the in the other is the Pokémon to be
duplicated. Start as usual and go to the Trade Center. Lets say you
want to duplicate a Dragonite. Start to trade him to the other game,
when the bad Pokémon is coming to you and the screen(s) say
"waiting", get ready to turn your Pokémon game off. When the
"waiting" disappears, turn off the Pokémon game that's GETTING the
bad Pokémon before the screen says "Trade complete". When it says
that, turn off the Pokémon with the Dragonite. Turn them both back
on and you both should have Dragonite
Use Self
Destruct/Explosion and live Try this code out with a friend,
Have your opponent use Substitute. Use Explosion or Self Destruct
while it is in effect. You will not lose any HP, but your pokemon
will temporarily lose its graphic. In order to get your picture
back, you must let your opponent hit you or you must switch your
pokemon. Unfortunately, you can't do the trick again until he uses
Substitute again!
House PeekerGo to Pallet, and
see the lady that is infront of your house. Block her was she cant
go to the left. When she is in line to the dor to your house, stand
behind her. Keep standing behind, and she will walk onto your

Thanks to
PkMario for the picture
Raise your pokemon stats (even at
lvl 100)First, defeat a pokemon and earn to EXP. Now to a
pokemon center and heal your pokemon. Now deposit the pokemon that
earned the EXP into the PC, then withdraw it immediately, it stats
should have risen. Its stats will raise more if you get more EXP in
the last battle.
Evolve stone-needing-evolution pokemon
without the stones. I.E. Eevee into a Vaporeon without the water
stone.Please note that this only works in
Yellow.In order to evolve a stone-evolving Pokémon without a
stone, refer to the chart below. Put the Pokémon that you are trying
to evolve into slot one of your belt, and the Pokémon specified
below in slot two. Once you have your first and second slots filled,
battle until the first raises a level, and it will evolve. If you
have a Pikachu, it evolves with a Thunder Stone. A Thunder Stone's
HEX value is 21. Growlithe's HEX value is also 21. So put a
Growlithe underneath the Pikachu. Here's a chart of Stone, Pokémon
equivalent (second slot on belt), and their HEX values: Evolution
Stone/Pokémon for Slot 2/HEX Value
Leaf Stone/Psyduck/2F
Revive Pokemon without Revive
Just use a Rare Candy on it, and give it Potion or Max
Disappearing Trees
Go below the city of Cerulean, by the day care center.
This works on both the left and right sides. Don't go inside
the section with the daycare, stay out of it. Go to either
side. Go below the trees that are between that route and
Cerulean, which would be above the daycare center. Now walk
down one of the sides, and you will see a bunch of trees. Now
gow below all of them, and walk back up. There gone!. To
make them come back again, start from above and walk
1. Show your Menu after you save Anyhow,
when you save when it says, (insert name) saved the game, press
& hold the A button, the Menu box should still appear, all
people sprites should disappear while you hold the A button. When
you release it, everything will turn back to normal.
Make scientist in Fossil Lab appear in the Pokebox Withdraw
Menu. To do this simply go to Cinnabar Island & go to the
Pokemon Lab, then go to the 3rd door to the right (the last one)
& turn on the nearest computer next to the guy who wants to
trade with you. Next, go to Bill's PC & click on Withdraw, the
guy who wants to trade with you & the fossil scientist should
disappear, correct? Then, press B & the scientist & trader
when reappear in the text boxes for a few seconds, repeat this &
it will look like they're blinking on the screen or whatever.
3. Make gambler's hand blank Note: This has been tried
only on green so results may vary. On Route 11, there is a
Gambler standing next to the gate to Route 12. Walk up to him until
he is opn the tip up edge of the screen, stop & look closely as
the head bolder lines disappear & reappear repeatly, if the
Gambler isn't on the top edge of the screen, this won't
Thanks to JeeBui from the forums
Go to the safari zone, into the first house you see.
Stand anywhere in front of the girl (you have to be in a straight line
with her) and press Start.