
Use the sliders below to explore different social vulnerability scenarios for communities facing climate change realted hazards across the San Francisco Bay Area. The areas prone to flooding, visualized in black, are drawn based on NOAA projections for a 100cm rise in sea level coupled with a 100-year flood event.

Choosing a higher weighting for a given index factor makes that factor contribute more to each Census Tract's vulnerability. These factors were chosen by the Pacific Institute as the vulnerability indicators that have the most reliable data for the Census Tract level.

For more information about this vulnerability analysis, including detailed descriptions of each index, please consult the Social Vulnerability Index Evaluation Methodlogy available here.

Special thanks to Lee Reis and Drew Levitt, and the entire 218 Consultants team for providing the map code template.

Index Weights

Living Alone over 65
Population under 18
Households speaking little English
People of Color
Low Income
Population w/o High School Diploma
Foreign Born
Impervious Land Cover
Treeless Area
Households without a Vehicle