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Syria, Iran and the Politics of US Militarism @ UC Berkeley, 102 Moffit Hall
Oct 11 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am


Today we face criminal wars abroad, budget cuts at home, skyrocketing incomes for the upper crust, falling living standards for the rest of us, and an economy that can’t seem to survive without $85 billion per month in life support from the federal reserve. We didn’t vote for this, and the ruling elite knows very well that we never would. The status quo cannot be maintained through democratic forms of rule.

It is no accident that today we see unconstitutional drone assassination programs and NSA spying programs openly defended by all branches of government, the militarization of police, and core constitutional rights shredded under the false pretext of the war on terror.

The US ruling class is preparing to fight two sorts of enemies: rivals abroad, such as Russia, China, Iran, Syria and any other country that challenges US strategic interests, and the working class at home. Only the US and international working class has the power to halt the drive toward war abroad and dictatorship at home.

“Tsar to Lenin” Screening @ 60 Evans Hall, UC Berkeley
Nov 15 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

“Tsar to Lenin” is the only documentary film comprised entirely of actual film footage from the Russian Revolution, and the periods immediately before and after. This extraordinary footage was compiled by Herman Axelbank, who spent years traveling through Eastern Europe, gathering it using any means at his disposal. Released in 1937, at the height of Stalin’s Great Terror, in which the bulk of the Soviet revolutionary generation was physically exterminated, the film received a warm reception from critics, but was quickly suppressed by the Stalinist Communist Party in the US.

Narrated by Max Eastman, sometimes known as the first American Trotskyist, this film is required viewing  for anyone trying to understand the historical significance of Russian Revolution, and its implications in the present period.

You can watch the preview at: http://tsartolenin.com/