GUNS & the U.S.

According to the Small Arms Survey conducted by Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland, the United States  ranked in the first place by country for civilian-held firearms per 100 population, with estimate of 120.5 civilian firearms per 100 persons. That mean, on average,  the United States is the only country with more than one firearm per capita.

Americans hold guns for reasons like entertainment, or simply the love of guns. If tracing back to history, the gun represents the heart of their nation’s foundation and identity, a symbol of their freedom. So firearms had truly brought bright sides to the United States. However, as firearms were mishurting more people, the society is doubting the necessity of legalizing firearms or if the owners are qualified to be the owners. We would like to use several indicators and variables mapping the relationship between guns and their owners.

“In God We Trust.”