The Constitution of the Iota Nu Mu International Co-Op Fraternity


We the people of the Iota Nu Mu International Co-Op Fraternity, in order to form a more perfect fraternity, promote academic perfection, and secure the blessings of memes to ourselves and future members, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Iota Nu Mu International Co-Op Fraternity.

Article I - Name

Exact Name of the Organisation

The exact name of the organization is Iota Nu Mu International Professional Fraternity [Amended 1 of 2021]

Short Names and Acronyms

This organization can be cited as Iota Nu Mu or INM. [Amended 1 of 2021]

Long Names

In case a longer name for clarity is needed, this organization can be cited as The Iota Nu Mu International Professional Fraternity for the Advancement of Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Ancient Greek and Roman Studies, Molecular and Cell Biology, Integrative Biology, Music, and other Subjects. [Repealed, 1 of 2021] [Amended 2 of 2021] [Amended 1 of 2023]

Article II - Purpose

The purpose of Iota Nu Mu is to serve as a support system for international students and first-generation immigrants, primarily from the mainland of China, who have a strong interest in specific subcultures and are committed to maintaining a high Grade Point Average. The organization endeavors to create a sense of belonging and foster a value-based fraternity experience for students with diverse cultural backgrounds who may not be familiar with the American fraternity system. [Amended 1 of 2023]

Article III - Membership

a. General Members

This organization shall consist of general members.

1. Eligibility

Only currently registered students, faculty, and staff may be active members in this registered student organization. [Amended 1 of 2023]

2. Joining this Organization

An individual is considered as part of the organization in 2 situations: the individual [Repealed 2 of 2021] goes through the pledging process, after which he is initiated as a brother of Iota Nu Mu, or that the individual is a founding father of the local chapter of Iota Nu Mu (In this case, the Alpha chapter of Iota Nu Mu at the University of California - Berkeley). Anybody who is interested in this organisation, regardless of proficiency of a specific language, can request from any member of the Senatus of a knowledge test; proficiency in certain memes that are tested in this knowledge test is required to join this organisation. [Amended 2 of 2021]

3. Eligibility to Hold Office

Only active members may vote or hold office. In addition, to hold and stay in office in any functional capacity, an individual must be currently enrolled as a full time student at the University of California - Berkeley. If an individual is not a full time student at the University of California - Berkeley, such individual must have a declared major or be in a post graduate program.

4. Exceptions

Section III (a) (1) does not apply to any individual who is only currently enrolled in any program provided by the University of California Berkeley Extension Program.

5. Inclusion

We will not restrict membership based upon race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy (including pregnancy, childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services (including membership, application for membership, performance of service, application for service, or obligation for service in the uniformed services).

6. Compliance

Iota Nu Mu is a non-hazing fraternity with a strong focus on academic excellence and personal development. We will not haze according to California State Law.

7. Removal

The Augustus may present a proposal to the Senātus regarding the removal of a General Member, in the event that they have a justifiable belief that said member constitutes a threat to the proper implementation of the constitution. The Senātus may then make a decision on the removal proposal through a majority vote of two-thirds. [Added 1 of 2023]

b. Associate Members

1. Eligibility

Any individual who meets all following criteria is considered an associate member of this organization:

  1. The individual was a General Member of this organization;
  2. The individual is not a General Member because the individual does not meet criteria specified in III. a. 1 now as a result of graduation or transfer, but is still a General Member should such graduation or transfer did not take place; and
  3. The individual agrees to be an Associate Member.
  4. The governing body may decide reasons other than graduation or transfer specified in III.b.1.B, but an individual who is disqualified from III.a.1 because of Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal shall not qualify.

c. Inactive Members

[Added 1 of 2023]

1. General Members may be Designated as Inactive Members

If the Augustus or Senātus with a vote of simple majority determines that a General Member is no longer participating in this organisation, they are considered an Inactive Member.

2. Inactive Members in Decision Processes

Inactive Members are not considered part of the Senātus and are not counted for the purposes outlined in Article V.(a).

3. Restoring General Membership

General Membership could be restored with the decision of the Augustus, a vote of simple majority of the Senātus, or participation in a meeting of the Senātus.

4. Implications

The Proconsuls may decide to exclude Inactive Members from the organisation group chat.”

Article IV - Officers & Elections

a. The Governing Body and Officers

1. The Governing Body (Senātus)

The Governing Body, which should also bear the name Senātus, consists of all active General Members. All active General Members are eligible to vote and make decisions regarding the operation of this organization.

2. The Executive Board

In case the governing body decides that an officer is needed for the operation of this organization, Officers of the executive board may be elected in accordance with election rules outlined below. The following three Officer positions may be elected as this Constitution passes:

A. Augustus

The Augustus shall be the official representative of the organization to on-campus and off-campus communities. The Augustus will enforce and carry out the Constitution; the Augustus holds responsibility and authority for actions or inactions of the organization, to the extent permitted by the Governing Body. The Augustus serves as the Signatory and the person of contact.

B. Quaestor

The Quaestor shall be responsible for all financial matters of the organization, to the extent permitted by the Governing Body.

C. Proconsuls

The Proconsuls shall be responsible for governing the group chat on Instant Message applications and platforms, to the extent permitted by the Governing Body.

D. Pontifex Maximus

The Pontifex Maximus shall ensure all ritual paraphernalia and equipment is stored in a safe place and is in good condition, and that all initiated members know their parts in the ritual processes. The Pontifex Maximus shall also decide on dates for various ceremonies and keep the members informed.

Each of these Officers shall serve for one (1) semester (including Summer semester) and the breaks following that semester. There are no limitations on reelection. As the Officers are not necessary, vacancies do not need to be filled. In case no Officer holds office, the Senātus shall appoint a Signatory and a person of contact.

b. Voting Procedures

The Voting Procedures shall be the same as United Nations General Assembly, available here:

1. Officer

After the Senātus recommends an member to be an Officer, a two-thirds majority of all members of the Senātus, regardless of if they expressed their intention to vote, is required to appoint the Officer. The Senātus may remove an Officer with four-fifths majority.

2. Admission

After an individual has completed all requirements, a vote shall be taken to decide if admission shall be performed. This shall be specified in a By-Law.

3. Exceptions to Voting Admission

An individual shall be admitted if the individual scored 95% or more on the knowledge test and approved by the member of Senatus who administered the test. [Amended 2 of 2021]

Article V - Meetings

a. Chapter Meetings

Augustus of INM shall hold weekly chapter meetings on a time favored by three fifth of the active members.

b. Quorum

Any agenda item proposed during a meeting is only effective when more than two thirds of the attendees present are in favor of such a decision.

c. Emergency Meetings

Augustus shall have the power to call an emergency meeting once per school year. The notification shall be sent out in the preferred social media application in no less than 24 hours and no more than 72 hours before the beginning time of such meeting.

d. Vacancies

In case no Augustus is designated, the Augustus should be interpreted as the person of contact at the LEAD centre. [Amended 1 of 2023]

Article VI - Constitutional Amendments

a. In Force

This Constitution shall become effective immediately upon ratification by a three-fourths affirmative vote of the Senātus.

b. Proposal of an Amendment

Only an Officer can propose a draft Constitutional Amendment.

c. Approval of an Amendment

Any and all parts of this Constitution may be amended, deleted, or moved by four-fifths majority of all members of the Senātus, regardless of if they expressed their intention to vote.

d. Interpretation of this Constitution

The Constitution shall be interpreted in the bona fide way. In case conflicts arise, the drafter of the Constitution has the supreme power to interpret regardless of their membership status, except for the Amendments, which the drafter of the specific Amendment has the power to interpret.

e. Non-Alternation

Unless otherwise noted, no part of this Constitution may be changed in any fashion, except by amendment.

f. Circulation

Passed Amendments shall be circulated to all Members by a group chat, or bMail if a group chat does not exist.

g. Filing

All amendments, additions or deletions to this document must be filed with the LEAD Center at, or LEAD Center at 432 Eshleman Hall.

Article VII - ASUC Sponsorship

a. No Sponsorship

This organization does NOT seek ASUC sponsorship.

Article VIII - Dissolution

a. Dissolution Procedure

To dissolve this organization, there must be a unanimous vote by all General Members at a special meeting called with at least two weeks prior notice given to all members in the most thorough manner possible.

b. Automatic Dissolution

Should there be a shortage of Members from the Senātus who are willing to serve as signatories or occupy other positions as mandated by the LEAD centre, and as a result, the registration of this organization cannot be completed, the organization shall be automatically dissolved. [Added 1 of 2023]

c. Unspent Funds

If the organization is ASUC or GA Sponsored, all unspent ASUC funds shall return to the ASUC; all Graduate Assembly funds shall return to the Graduate Assembly. If the organization is defunct for five (5) or more years, any privately obtained funds (including any funds left in miscellaneous accounts) shall be donated to the following nonprofit organization: Overseas China Education Foundation (EIN 76-0680540). In the event that the designated nonprofit organization no longer exists or has ceased to be a nonprofit, then the unspent funds shall be donated to the following nonprofit organization: The Unicode Consortium (EIN 77-0269756). In the event that the designated nonprofit organization no longer exists or has ceased to be a nonprofit, then the unspent funds shall be donated to the ASUC (EIN 94-0294680).