History Trivia Night 2019!

A green poster advertising Phi Alpha Theta's Historical Trivia Night, which will occur on Thursday the 12th at 8pm. The event will take place in room 106 Wheeler Hall. The poster also includes a text box that reads "Come test your mettle at our History Trivia Night!" Underneath that is a picture of a king and his retinue knighting a young man. As he does so, he proclaims, "For slaying the fearsome Trivia Dragon, I hereby knight you Sir Alexander Trebek!"
If you haven’t seen it on our Facebook or Instagram already, here is the official announcement of PhAT’s first meeting of Fall 2019!

The event will take place this Thursday the 12th! We’ll be playing a Jeopardy-esque game of historical trivia. As with all our events, this game will be open to students of all majors. Bring your friends! Bring your roommates! And good luck everyone!

Syria Then and Now: A Conversation with Professor Shwayri!


Join Phi Alpha Theta and Professor Shwayri for a conversation about Syria’s political and military history, and how the country’s past has shaped recent events. Our meeting will entail a brief presentation on the country’s history, followed by an open discussion with a visiting scholar in the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Professor Sofia Shwayri, who is currently working on a manuscript entitled “The Spaces of the Syrian War (2011-present).” All are welcome to attend!
Feel free to bring questions and topics of interest.


Thursday. April 19th
7:00 PM
Dwinelle 254

The 101 Circus is Coming!

It’s that time of year again!
The 101 Circus is fast approaching and we are eager for anyone who has completed or is in the process of completing their thesis to present their work. This is a wonderful opportunity to talk about the culmination of both your educational experience here at Berkeley and a subject in which you are passionate about. Please feel free to invite family and friends to your presentation and show off your hard work. All are welcome to attend!!
For those that wish to present and/or attend, the Circus will be held:
Wednesday, May 2nd
in Dwinelle 3335
from 10 am until 4 pm
(with an hour break between 12 and 1 for lunch)
Those wishing to present should fill out the following questionnaire by April 28th:


Research and Publishing Night!

Join Phi Alpha Theta for a Research and Publishing Night where we will be discussing several different topics, including how to get your papers published, where you can put in for publication, as well as tips on research (specifically for the History 101 thesis). All students are welcome to attend, especially those considering or currently involved in doing their History 101 thesis!

Thursday, March 1st

Barrows 54

7:00 P.M.

**This event will be the last chance to turn in Spring Applications and Membership Dues**

Lecture Night!!

Join Phi Alpha Theta for our first Lecture Night of the semester. Professor Maggie Elmore will be giving a lecture titled, “The Walls Between US: 20th Century Mexican Migration and US Immigration Policy” which will discuss the history of U.S. response to Mexican immigration and its relevance to current political tensions. All are welcome to join!

Today, 689,900 teens and young adults are waiting for Congress to decide their fate, as the future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program remains uncertain. First created by President Barack Obama in 2012, DACA provided nearly 800,000 unauthorized immigrants with temporary documented status. More than 75% of DACA recipients are of Mexican descent. Closely tied to the debate is the creation of a proposed border wall between the United States and Mexico. But discussion of a border wall is not a new one: walls and fences have long dotted the US-Mexico border. The debate over Mexican migration and the US’ southern border is nearly a century old. How have policymakers attempted to address these issues in the past and why do they continue to be perennial topics of debate? “The Walls Between US” explores this history and considers the implications for current immigration policy.

Thursday, February 15th

7pm – 9pm

Wheeler 244

Lecture Night!

Join Phi Alpha Theta for our Lecture Night! Come learn from Professor Connelly about the reverberations of the Russian Revolution and socialism in countries like Germany, Hungary, and Austria!

We associate revolution after WWI with the Bolshevik upheaval and victory, but Marxism’s founders thought Russia was unsuited to revolution. What happened in the places that Marx thought were ripe for transformation to socialism, namely the developed countries further west? In Germany, Hungary and Austria workers and soldiers formed councils, and many demanded socialism, but unlike Russia, the result was liberal democracy and continued rule of capitalism. Was this failed revolution, or was this a different kind of revolution? And if it was revolution, how did it ultimately result in fascism?

Wednesday, November 15th

6pm at Dwinelle 79

If you are a member of Phi Alpha Theta and have yet to pay your semester dues, please do so!

History Trivia Night

Join Phi Alpha Theta for a History Trivia night Friday, October 27th at 5:30 pm in Barrows 151. This is an opportunity to get to know your fellow History Majors while showing off your trivia knowledge. All are welcome!

If you haven’t done so already, please bring in your application to join Phi Alpha Theta as this will be the last opportunity to do so this term.


Friday, October 27th
5:30 pm until 8 at the latest
Barrows 151