A Conversation with Edward Rickford!

[Image Description: A picture of Edward Rickford and The Serpent and the Eagle with the text "Come see Edward Rickford talk about his book The Serpent and the Eagle!" and "When: Mon Nov 25, 2019 7pm - 8:30pm; Where: Dwinelle Hall, Room 183."]

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programing to highlight a very special Phi Alpha Theta event! We are glad to announce that Edward Rickford will be joining us to discuss his series The Serpent and the Eagle (Tenochtitlan Trilogy), and how to write historical fiction with a history degree. Edward Rickford is a prize-winning, self-published historical fiction author! The Serpent and the Eagle series is set in the ancient city of Tenochtitlan in 1519, the novel tells a thrilling tale of Motecuhzoma and his encounters with foreign forces. We invite all to come to the conference on November 25th 7-8:30pm and check-out his work!

Author: phatberkeley

We are the UC Berkeley chapter of the national honor society.

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