Game Night!!

A black flyer for Phi Alpha Theta's Game Night with white and gold details. The flyer reads, "Come join Phi Alpha Theta Thursday the 26th for our second meeting of the year! We'll be playing board games at Games of Berkeley on Durant Ave from 6pm to 8pm." There's an outline of a set of gold dice and the Venus de Milo statue with a speech bubble that reads, "I'm still trying to win my arms back from last year!*" That asterisk is in reference to a statement at the bottom of the poster that reads, "*There will be no gambling of arms or anything else at PhaT's game night."
Hey, guys! We’ll be hosting our second event on Thursday the 26th at Games of Berkeley. Come by around 6pm to hang out and play some games!

All you have to do is walk to the game room in the back of the store and we should be all set up. The store has a library of games to choose from. The Phi Alpha Theta crew will be hanging out between 6pm and 9pm, but you can drop by anytime during that period. Hope to see you there, folks!

Author: phatberkeley

We are the UC Berkeley chapter of the national honor society.

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