The 101 Circus is Coming!

It’s that time of year again!
The 101 Circus is fast approaching and we are eager for anyone who has completed or is in the process of completing their thesis to present their work. This is a wonderful opportunity to talk about the culmination of both your educational experience here at Berkeley and a subject in which you are passionate about. Please feel free to invite family and friends to your presentation and show off your hard work. All are welcome to attend!!
For those that wish to present and/or attend, the Circus will be held:
Wednesday, May 2nd
in Dwinelle 3335
from 10 am until 4 pm
(with an hour break between 12 and 1 for lunch)
Those wishing to present should fill out the following questionnaire by April 28th:


Author: phatberkeley

We are the UC Berkeley chapter of the national honor society.

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