PhAT Movie Night Yo!

[Image Description: A black and white cameo of Felicity Jones as Ruth Bader Ginsberg emerges from a light pink background. A gold cartoon crown sits above her head. The words "On the Basis of Sex" appear beside her in fancy gold lettering. Below that, grey cursive text reads: "Come watch On the Basis of Sex, an RBG biopic starring Felicity Jones, with your favorite Phi Alpha Theta officers. When: Thursday November 7; Where: Dwinelle 251."]

Come watch On the Basis of Sex with us this Thursday the 7th!
Based on your votes we’ll be showing the RBG biopic in Dwinelle 251 this Thursday from 7-9 (Please try to arrive before 7 so we can watch as much of the movie as possible). Remember, you don’t have to be a Phi Alpha Theta member or even a history major to attend this event. Bring your friends! Bring your enemies! Bring the ghost of former supreme court justice Antonin Scalia! Or actually maybe don’t do that… We look forward to seeing you there!

Author: phatberkeley

We are the UC Berkeley chapter of the national honor society.

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