Grad Panel

We’re happy to be hosting a panel this Thursday to offer advice to undergraduate history students (and anyone else interested in grad school)! The panel will feature Berkeley history professors and graduate students willing to answer your questions. And though Halloween is approaching, I promise it won’t be too spooky… Boo!

A sheet ghost with a wide-open mouth that makes it look like he's going "Oooooooo" emerges from a grey background. A thought bubble above his head reads, "I still don't know what I'm going to do with my afterlife!!" The top of the poster asks in big green Goosebumps letters, "Life after undergrad too spooky?" The rest of the text is in a typewriter font. It reads: Then you should come to PhAT's grad panel, featuring a selection of history professors and grad students ready to share advice about grad school and the academic world! When: October 24, 7-9 PM. Where: Dwinelle 251. Why: I've been trapped in PhAT's social media accounts for 7 years and the only way to set me free is to attend this event.

Author: phatberkeley

We are the UC Berkeley chapter of the national honor society.

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