Recruiting Officers for 2018-2019!

Phi Alpha Theta is in need of Officers for the 2018-2019 school year. The positions available are as follows:

Vice President
• Must be an individual in their Junior year at Cal as they will take over PhAT when the current President graduates next Spring.
• S/he will work closely with and assist the current President in order to learn how the society is run and ensure a seamless transition to the 2019-2020 school year.
• Expected to attend all large events such as Grad/Undergrad Luncheon and History Faculty Dinner.

• Maintain a membership roll and assist any other officer who needs assistance.
• Perform routine clerical and administrative functions when the situation arises.
• It is a “Jack-Of-All-Trades” position and requires the individual to be familiar with several different aspects of how PhAT operates.

• This individual will be in charge of budgetary needs for PhAT.
• Will be responsible for allocating funds, organizing fundraisers, keeping track of funds available, purchase order requests, and working with our Activities Director in regards to our larger events.

Activities Director
• Lead in the development and implementation of engaging biweekly programmes (i.e. social events, educational events).
• Handle all event-planning for Lecture Nights (i.e. reaching out to professors and asking them to guest lecture).
• Attend events and be the monitor/MC so as to ensure events run smoothly.

Public Relations Director
• In charge of publicizing events and increasing our online presence in order to bring more exposure to PhAT.
• Will be responsible for our Facebook page, Instagram account, coordinating with Leah to email the department
• Update the blog on our new website,

If you are interested in one of these positions, please fill out the following application before July 20th, 2018:

Please feel free to contact President Stanley Shaw with any questions or concerns!

Author: phatberkeley

We are the UC Berkeley chapter of the national honor society.

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