European Student Union @ UC Berkeley

Welcome! Witamy! bienvenido! velkommen!

About us...
Our vision is to promote and share European culture through a variety of social and academic events such as cultural festivals, exchanges with other student groups, movie nights, dinners, debates, speaker panels, and parties.

Where we meet...
Our meetings areusually held on Fridays, in 103 Moffitt at 7pm. Please check our Facebook group for current schedule!

How to join us, events:
If you already have a account, search for "European Student Union (ESU)" and join the group. All upcoming events will be announced and you'll receive an invite to all the socials. If you're not on, please join our mailing list:

Current president: Tatiana Stillman
Minister of Culture: Pawel Waluszko (Pawlicki)
Minister of Finance: Yuriy Tsurkan
Minister of Legal Operations: Diana Chernikova
Minister of Official Information: Nick Chandler

Our Constitution...
Click here.
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