Eric’s Blog

The sound of laughter, gives the illusion of happiness. 水月鏡花, 喚起睡夢中的思想

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Going Back to Santa Barbara

So today is the day when we finally had to go back to Santa Barbara, and I realize that I got nothing done. Pretty much, when we weren’t going out, we were playing Mario Kart, watching The Office, Columbo, Murder She Wrote (well, actually, Mom watched this), and other movies. We watched Predators, Food, Inc., and Religulous. Mom and Ellen watched Eat, Pray, Love. I didn’t want to watch that.

Predators was not bad. I didn’t watch the first Predator or Predator 2, but I thought overall, it wasn’t a bad movie. I just never thought of Adrian Brody as an action hero. It was more of a thriller than an action movie. It’s true that you know the protagonist and the hot sniper woman (Alice Braga) are the ones who will survive at the end, but that doesn’t make the movie any less fun. The part I hate the most about the movie was the fact that Topher Grace was in it. He was perfect for That 70’s Show, but here he’s just really annoying, and he almost killed off Alice Braga’s character. I mean, what is that? The Japanese guy died, too, even though he had a lot of potential. I mean, other people blew themselves up or took forever to kill off the Predator, but this guy fought a Predator with a sword, and won (even though he apparently died right after, too). Still, I would recommend this film to most people.

Food, Inc. really makes you think about what your foods are coming from. On the one hand, it’s true that food could be made cheaper with mass industrialization, but I agree with that farmer in the movie who says that we are subsidizing our food, that in order to get the cheap food, we are pouring money into buying gasoline, pesticides, and healthcare. If our food is healthier, then we might not need to spend so much on healthcare, and we wouldn’t need to ship corn to all over the country, and use pesticides everywhere. Overall, Food, Inc. is pretty objective, though the goal of the director is obvious, he tries to present both side of the argument, which is why I think this film works. The goal is to get you thinking about your food, and I think it accomplishes that.

Religulous is a film about religion and why it’s ridiculous to believe in it. Although main actor we see in the film, Bill Maher, says that he preaches doubt, he is doing it in a way that can be described only as attacking religion. As a result, I feel that this film can only be watched by people who already agrees with his viewpoint that we should have doubts about religion. Unlike Food, Inc., it is not a film that can be watched by religious people because the contents would probably be very offensive to them. However, the film does present useful arguments against religion, and shows even high priests who say the Bible is not factual. I think the most convincing argument in the film is when he got people to say, “What if you’re wrong?” Basically, these people believe in religion just in the case that if they don’t, they’ll go to Hell. I don’t think “just-in-case” is a good enough reason to base your entire life around something.

We were late when we left this morning, since we went to check if OSH had any replacement garage-door hinges. It turns out they didn’t have hinges with the same size, so we have to order online, probably. Since we left late, when we got to Santa Barbara, it was already 4:15 and Ellen had to drop me off quickly to go to her dance rehearsal. So I played some Mario Kart Wii. I couldn’t find a Gamecube controller, so I used the Wii Wheel. I tried to unlock all the expert ghosts on time trial, but I got stuck on SNES Ghost Valley 2, the normal staff ghost was pretty fast already, and I couldn’t beat it by the 4 seconds requited to unlock the expert staff ghost.

For dinner, we went to Madison’s Sports Grill and Tavern (I think) to watch the Lakers-Grizzlies game. Grizzlies eventually won that game, so it was good. Santa Barbara’s sports bar scene is a lot better than East Bay, I feel. I ordered Hefeweizen and Ellen ordered something else, we also ordered some bbq chicken with some nachos. They were both pretty good.

At night, when we got back home, we played some Mario Kart Wii. After Ellen went to sleep, I managed to unlock Rosalina, which is probably the coolest character in the entire game!

posted by eric3chang at 11:09 pm  

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