Most of the definitions aren't verbatim. Counter-intuitively, the most recent words are at the bottom.
1. syndactyl
2. slubberdegullion
3. mungo
4. balmacaan
5. foofaraw
6. warple
7. skinker
8. quitclaim
9. niblick
10. taxwax
11. cagmag
12. putsch
13. agouti
14. rhabdomancy
15. azygous
Bonus! embrequist
16. otorhinolarynchologist
17. myxomatosis
18. gobbertooth
Another Bonus! Happy Day! dinkerup
19. pharyngeal
20. zzxjoanw
21. oligophagous
22. oyez
23. chernozem
24. indubitably
25. onomatopoeia
26. froward
27. incunabulum
28. flibbertigibbet
29. flitterwochen
30. scandaroon
31. cymmhorth
32. gleek
33. crinkum-crankum
34. loblolly
35. dilligrout
36. doppelganger
37. fershlugginer
38. mumpsimus
39. catawampus
40. zozzled
41. prickmedainty
42. mocteroof
43. quaquaversal
44. yclept
45. congius
46. absquatulate
47. esurient
48. bastard toadflax
49. chert
50. caconym
2. A grizzled color of fur resulting from the barring of each hair in several alternate dark and light bands (M-W).
I got this email message from reader John Gumbley:
hi, just to let you know that after a 180 years dilligrout is back on the menu! i'm a TV producer making a royal documentary and the other week we went down to Addington Palace near London. The palace is now a ritzy hotel, so we got the head chef to concoct a "mess of dilligrout". it's made of pigs brawn, chicken and dill, all mixed up in almond, sugar and milk. the manor of addington had the duty of providing a "mess of dilligrout" at the monarch's coronation and the last time it was made was for the enthronment of George IV in 1821. now tell me you don't learn some weird things on the web!! john
Last Modification: August 12, 2001
Last Major Modification: May 9, 1998