District Fundraising Initiative (DFI)
The District Fundraising Initiative, or DFI, are three causes that the clubs within the California-Nevada-Hawaii (CNH) district supports through fundraising.
Pediatric Trauma Program
The Pediatric Trauma Program focuses on reducing the number of children who suffer or are killed by pediatric trauma through educating the community, providing advanced pediatric training, and purchasing specialized medical equipment.
Kiwanis Family House
The Kiwanis Family House serves to provide temporary housing for families of sick or injured children and adults at the University of California, Davis Medical Center in Sacramento.
UNICEF is an organization that contributes to several current humanitarian efforts, such as child health/nutrition, access to clean water and sanitation, quality education, and HIV prevention/treatment.
District Service Initiative (DSI)
Every year, CNH Circle K chooses an initiative to focus in on for service during the year’s term. The proposed and approved initiative is the District Service Initiative, or DSI. Clubs from the district work together through various service events targeted toward the year’s initiative.

CNH Circle K's DSI for the 2022-2023 term is Focusing on Education. Education is the medium through which we all grow and learn both how to integrate into society and to make a living, yet there are schools across the district that are underfunded and underserved. Students in these areas often underachieve and fall behind their grade level due to lack of resources both at home and at school. As accessible quality education should be a right to all, this term's DSI aims to enhance and improve the educational experience of all students in order to provide them the opportunities and resources they deserve.