Defendant: Tsujino (Isujino), Akiyoshi, medical orderly, Hirota POW Branch
Camp, Honshu, Japan
Docket No./ Date: 24/ April 10, 1946, Yokohama, Japan?
Charge: 1. Committed brutal atrocities against American POWs
Verdict: 30 years confinement at hard labor
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: 1. Defendant is positively identified
in connection with "the almost daily beating, kicking and other brutal
mistreatment of numerous prisoners without cause or trial." 2. "Accused's
participation in the crimes was a question of fact and the commission,
as the trier of fact, was amply justified in rejecting the defense of
denial in favor of overwhelming prosecution evidence to the contrary."
Reviewing Authority: James A. Byrum, 1st Lieutenant, Assistant Staff
Judge Advocate
Prosecution Arguments:
Defense Arguments: 1. Superior Orders - Possessed no authority to take
disciplinary action against any POWs, and only participated in such incidents
when order to do so by higher authority. 2. Mistaken identity - Accused
stated that he heard about he beatings but did not participate in them.
3. Denied knowledge of specification 6. 4. Accused stated that he gave
the sick prisoners "daily exercise at the order of the camp commander
and the medical officer."
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: