Defendant: Tsuda, Tsunesuke, civilian employee, Japanese Army, Tanagawa
Branch POW Camp No. 4, Osaka Area, Honshu, Japan
Docket No./ Date: 14/ March 13, 1946, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: Violation of the laws and customs of war: 1. Did wrongfully and
unlawfully kill a PW
Specifications: beating using among other club;
Verdict: Acquitted
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: No comments made about accused
due to his acquittal.
Reviewing Authority: James M. Prestwood, 2nd Lieutenant, Assistant Staff
Judge Advocate
Prosecution Arguments: Accused beat the PW, already being punished in
the guardhouse for escaping.
Defense Arguments: Denied striking the American POW and also denied participation
in the conspiracy to kill the prisoner.
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: "Jointly and in pursuance of a
common intent" was taken out of the original charge. It is interesting
because of the difference between the idea of conspiracy in Tokyo and
in the lesser trials.