Defendant: Tsuchiya, Tatsuo: civilian guard, retired corporal of the
Japanese Army
Docket No./ Date: 1/ Dec. 18 - Dec. 27, 1945, Yokohama, Japan
Charge: 1. Violation of Laws and Customs of War - at Mitsuchima Prisoner
of War camp between Nov. 1942 and Sept. 1945, committed atrocities against
Verdict: Guilty verdict upheld/ Life imprisonment at hard labor
Reviewing Authority's Recommendations: The accsued was found "wantonly
derelict" in his duties despect having been aware of his duty to
protect and treat prisoers fairly.
Reviewing Authority: Willis Reichmann, Judge Advocate
Prosecution Arguments:
Defense Arguments: 1. Denied committing various forms of abuse and mistreatment
of prisoners "with which he was charged" 2. Did not know the
particular defendants
Judge Advocate's Recommendations: